Upcoming and latest events

Dialogues and Dissonances: The Environmental Humanities from North-South Perspectives

Dialogues and Dissonances: The Environmental Humanities from North-South Perspectives

25 September 2025

Campus de Campolide

Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks

Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks


17 September 2025

Lisbon, Portugal

4th International Working CLIL Colloquium

4th International Working CLIL Colloquium

30 June 2025

Escola Superior de Educação of the Polytechnic University of Castelo Branco

Victorian and American Myths in Video Games  – International Conference

Victorian and American Myths in Video Games – International Conference


9 April 2025

CAN - Colégio Almada Negreiros

10th Advanced Research Seminar

10th Advanced Research Seminar

5 February 2025


New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies

New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies

23 January 2025

Campus Berna

II Seminário Internacional: Mobilidade, Memória e Imaginário nas Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

II Seminário Internacional: Mobilidade, Memória e Imaginário nas Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa

2 December 2024


Webinar w/ Rúben Correia

Webinar w/ Rúben Correia

I came, I saw, I conquered: The Roman Road to impactful presentations

26 November 2024


Facing the Dream – International Symposium

Facing the Dream – International Symposium

22 November 2024

Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

TEALS talks

TEALS talks

Zoom password: 887427

21 November 2024

Campus Berna

NOVA Translation Talks

NOVA Translation Talks

21 November 2024

NOVA FCSH - Av. de Berna Aud. C1

Translating Cosmovisions: Knowledges in Transformation

Translating Cosmovisions: Knowledges in Transformation

21 November 2024


Winter Doctoral Symposium

Winter Doctoral Symposium


18 November 2024

Colégio Almada Negreiros, Lisbon

TEFL9 – Innovation in English language education: Adapting pedagogies to meet modern challenges

TEFL9 – Innovation in English language education: Adapting pedagogies to meet modern challenges


15 November 2024

Campus BERNA

ARUS Symposium 2024

ARUS Symposium 2024

12 November 2024

Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Letras

The Eye of Adamastor

The Eye of Adamastor

11 November 2024


Relational Forms IX – Sustainable Objects?: Books, Screens and Creative Transit in the Cultures of the English Language

Relational Forms IX – Sustainable Objects?: Books, Screens and Creative Transit in the Cultures of the English Language

7 November 2024

FLUP - Universidade do Porto

CETAPS Meeting on Digital Humanities

CETAPS Meeting on Digital Humanities

29 October 2024

FLUP - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto

Love & The Empire in Os Lusiadas

Love & The Empire in Os Lusiadas

21 October 2024

Online - ZOOM

What If? – The United States After November 5th

What If? – The United States After November 5th

16 October 2024

Translation Talks

Translation Talks

10 October 2024

FCSH - Av. de Berna

Construir Pontes 2024

Construir Pontes 2024


27 September 2024

CETAPS New Website Launch

CETAPS New Website Launch

This is just a test event

20 September 2024

World wide web

9th Advanced Research Seminar: Researching language learning and language education

9th Advanced Research Seminar: Researching language learning and language education

16 July 2024


5th Advanced Research Seminar

5th Advanced Research Seminar

On a verbal-visual continuum: Approaches to data collection and analysis

13 July 2022

Zoom Meeting

Archive of past events


Online. Ciclo de palestras Places of the “Other” in British Culture:

Online. 4th Advanced Research Seminar (CETAPS) – Researching Materials Development for Language Learning, 4 de Fevereiro 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Schedule-ARS.pdf

PresencialNew Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies V: simpósio para alunos e jovens investigadores em Tradução, 17-18 de Fevereiro de 2022; https://newvoicespts.wordpress.com/newvoices2022/

Online. International Conference: The Impact of Video Games on Culture & Education, 17-18 de Fevereiro de 2022; https://videogamesimpact.wordpress.com/

Online e presencialInternational Conference Creative Approaches to Democracy Education (CANDIICE – projecto Erasmus +), 10-12 de Março de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Creative-Approaches-twitter.jpg

Presencial. Palestra Lord Byron’s “Ambivalent” Orientalism (Lobna Ben Salem), 22 de Março de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Lord-Byrons-Ambivalent-Orientalism-1.png

Presencial. Palestra Orientalism and Modern Literature (Lobna Ben Salem), 24 de Março de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Orientalism-and-Modern-Literature-1.png

Online. Palestra A situação linguística na Ucrânia: apontamentos históricos, 29 de Março de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Мовна-ситуація-в-Україні-історичні-нотатки-1.png

OnlineSoundscapes: Translating from Musiccurso online de 6 sessões aberto ao público em geral, organizado no âmbito da rede Experiential Translation e do CETAPS, 8 de Abril-13 de Maio de 2022; https://soundscapestranslatingfrommusic.wordpress.com/

Online workshop Studying indigenous literatures and cultures of Turtle Island in Europe, 5-6 Maio de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/806c9b97591c4bdabc8541564d81c089-0001-scaled.jpg

Online. Debate Translation withIn/Out Media: Meeting between media professionals and Translation Studies researchers, 17 de Maio de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/IMG_6162.jpeg

Online e presencialCETAPS Hybrid Research Workshop, 10 de Junho de 2022;

Online e presencialICEPELL Hybrid Conference (Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning – Projecto Erasmus +), 1-2 de Julho de 2022; https://icepell.eu/index.php/the-icepell-hybrid-conference/

Online5th Advanced Research Seminar (CETAPS) – On a verbal-visual continuum: Approaches to data collection and analysis, 13 de Julho de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Advanced-Research-Seminar-July-2022-schedule.pdf

Presencial3rd International Working CLIL Colloquium ‘Moving CLIL forward: towards sustainable educational practices’, 13 e 14 de Julho de 2022; https://cetaps.wixsite.com/workingclil2023

OnlineCrash course on doing research in Translation Studies (Bolsas Verão com Ciência 2022), 5-9 de Setembro de 2022;

Online. Ciclo de Palestras, Webinars e Debates CETAPS+ Cultures of The Future (https://www.cetaps.com/cetaps-cultures-of-the-future)

PresencialInternational Conference Touring Travel Writing II: Between Fact and Fiction, 8-9 de Setembro de 2022; https://touringtravelwriting.wordpress.com/

Online. Ciclo de palestras Close relations: the CETAPS Lectures on Literature, Culture, Theatre and Translation

Online symposium Machine Translation: Literacy and Research, 29 e 30 de Setembro; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Machine-Translation-Symposium.png

Presencial. Version / Subversion II: The canon reloaded? Translation and its discontents. An International Conference on Literary Translation, 13-15 de Outubro de 2022; https://cetaps.wixsite.com/subversion2

Online e presencialSimpósio Internacional Línguas, Culturas e Literaturas da Ucrânia, 18 de Outubro de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/evento-organizado-pelo-cetaps-1-1.png

OnlineWebinar Native-American picturebooks for citizenship education in English language learning (Mercedes Perez Agustin), 19 de Outubro de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/WEBINAR-Mercedes.png

PresencialWorkshop Intercultural encounters using the ICEPELL Picturebook collection (Karoline Søgaard), 20 de Outubro de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/Workshop-Karoline.png

Presencial. One-Day International Conference Na Evocação do Centenário da BBC: Ficcionalizações do Mundo Anglófono VI / On the BBC’s 100th Anniversary: Fictionalizations of Science in the Anglophone World, 27 de Outubro de 2022; https://bbc100years.wordpress.com/

Online. Webinar A Divided America: Cultural and Political Perspectives on the Midterm Elections – Debate sobre as eleições intercalares americanas, 28 de Outubro de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/America-Divided-final-2.jpg

Online e presencial(Brave) New Worlds International Graduate Symposium, 4 de Novembro 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Brave-New-World-Cartaz.png

PresencialInternational Conference Relational Forms VII: Modernity and its Wake: Remembering and Reimagining 1922, 10-12 de Novembro de 2022; https://cetaps.wixsite.com/relationalforms7

PresencialIBmodel event on Evaluating and Assessing Teaching and Learning in CLIL/bilingual education, 14-15 de Novembro de 2022; https://www.cetaps.com/clil/evaluating-and-assessing-teaching-and-learning-in-clil-bilingual-education/

Online e presencialWhat If’22 – Second International Conference of ‘What if?…’ World History, 23-25 de Novembro de 2022; https://cetaps.wixsite.com/whatif22

PresencialInternational Conference on Anglo-Portuguese Studies III: a tribute to Professor Maria Leonor Machado de Sousa, 24-25 de Novembro de 2022; https://angloportuguese.wordpress.com/


OnlineTEALS – Advanced Research SeminarChallenges, Solutions, Synergies, 4 de Fevereiro de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Advanced-Research-Seminar-schedule-FINAL-rev-1.pdf 

Online e presencialConferência New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies IV. 17 de Fevereiro de 2021. https://newvoicespts.wordpress.com/newvoices2021/ 

OnlineFiccionalizações da Ciência no Mundo Anglófono V / Fictionalisations of Science in the Anglophone World V. 26 de Fevereiro de 2021. https://www.fcsh.unl.pt/eventos/v-coloquio-internacional-ficcionalizacoes-da-ciencia-no-mundo-anglofono/

Online2º Colóquio Internacional Working CLIL 2021, 26 e 27 de março de 2021. https://cetaps.wixsite.com/workingclil2

Online. Conferência Internacional Culture and Anarchy. Reading Matthew Arnold Today II, 12 e 13 de Abril de 2021. https://sigarra.up.pt/flup/pt/noticias_geral.ver_noticia?p_nr=116105 

Online. Aula Aberta Tradução Literária: o que procura um editor? 19 de Maio de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/events/traducao-literaria-o-que-procura-um-editor/

Presencial. Conferência John Keats 200. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 24 de Maio de 2021. https://tinyurl.com/yxdnp3sy 

Online. Conferência Medieval Metamorphosis: Rewritings, Tradition and Translation. 27 de Maio de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Medieval-Metamorphosis-Rewritings-Tradition-and-Translation-Programa-.pdf 

Online. International One-Day Conference Mapping Anglo-Iberian Relations: Stereotypes, Alliances and Fictions, 28 de Maio de 2021.  https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/onedayconfAnglo-Iberian28Maio-converted.pdf

Online. Conferência Internacional It was fifty years ago today. An Academic Tribute to The Beatles, 17-19 de Junho de 2021. https://beatlesinlisbon.wordpress.com/ 

Online. Conferência Internacional Picturebooks and graphic narratives in education and translation: Mediation and multimodality, 24-26 de Junho de 2021. https://picbookseducation.wordpress.com/

Online. Ciclo de palestras Close Relations: the CETAPS Lectures on Literature, Culture, Theatre and Translation, 1 de julho, 30 de setembro, 12 de novembro e 3 de dezembro de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/relational-forms-medial-and-textual-transits-in-ireland-and-britain   

Online. International Conference Narrating the Pearl River Delta. 8-9 de Julho de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/events/international-conference-narrating-the-pearl-river-delta/

Online. Graduate Conference The English Seminar: Essays on Contemporary Literature and Culture. 13 de Julho de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Online-Graduate-Conference.pdf 

OnlineTEALS – Advanced Research SeminarResearch in progress: Looking at the dark side, 15 de Julho de 2021. https://www.cetaps.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Advanced-Research-Seminar-July-2021-rev-.pdf

Online. Conferência Internacional Over the Moon: Representations in Literature, Science and the Arts, 25 de Novembro de 2021. https://overthemoon2021.wordpress.com/ 

Presencial. Conferência Internacional Relational Forms VI – Imag(in)ing the Nation: Literature, the Arts and Processes of National Construction, 2 a 4 de Dezembro de 2021. https://cetaps.wixsite.com/relationalforms6

Online21º Congresso Internacional da Utopian Studies Society, 10 a 12 de Dezembro de 2021.  https://utopian-studies-europe.org/conference


Presencial. Conferência New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies III, 6 de Fevereiro, NOVA FCSH (Investigadores: Karen Bennett, Marco Neves, David Hardisty – https://newvoicespts.wordpress.com/2020-2/ 

Presencial. Conferência internacional Historical Fiction – Fictional History and Historical Reality, 5-7 de Março, NOVA FCSH-CAN (Investigadores: Rogério Miguel Puga, Maria Zulmira Castanheira, Ana Gonçalves Matos, Teresa Botelho, Isabel Oliveira Martins – https://historicalnovelconferencelisbon2020.wordpress.com/

Presencial, com transmissão streaming. Conferência Reler Agatha Christie – Nos 100 Anos de “The Mysterious Affair at Styles”, 23 de Setembro, Biblioteca Nacional (Investigadores: Rogério Miguel Puga – https://www.cetaps.com/events/reler-agatha-christie-nos-100-anos-de-the-mysterious-affair-at-styles/

OnlineWebinário Working CLIL, com os oradores convidados Professor David Marsh (U. (U. Jyväskylä) e Professora Ana Llinares (U Autónoma de Madrid), 26 de Setembro. Investigadora: Maria Ellison – https://www.cetaps.com/clil/working-clil-2020-webinar-sessions/

Presencial e onlineSimpósio internacional (Re)Thinking Earth: From Representations of Nature to Climate Change Fiction, 22-23 de Outubro, Biblioteca Nacional (Investigadores: Teresa Botelho, Isabel Oliveira Martins, Maria Teresa Castilho, Ana Gonçalves Matos, Rogério Miguel Puga – https://rethinkingearth.wordpress.com/

OnlineSeminário Digital – Sid Meier’s Civilization V: Pós-colonialismo, Neo-colonialismo e a Representação do Tempo Histórico, 23 de Outubro (Investigadores: Gabriela Gândara Terenas, Teresa Pereira- https://www.cetaps.com/events/seminario-digital-sid-meiers-civilization-v-pos-colonialismo-neo-colonialismo-e-a-representacao-do-tempo-historico/

Presencial, com transmissão streamingCiclo de conferências Lit & Ciência 2020, Out-Dez 2020, NOVA FCSH-CAN (Investigadores: Gabriela Gândara Terenas, João Paulo Pereira da Silva, Miguel Alarcão – https://www.cetaps.com/events/ciclo-de-conferencias-lit-ciencia-2020/

Presencial, com transmissão streamingConferência Wordsworth 250 anos, 3 de Novembro, Biblioteca Nacional (Investigadores: Rogério Miguel Puga – https://www.cetaps.com/events/wordsworth-250-anos/

OnlineColóquio Internacional Relational Forms V – Capital and the Imagination: Literature, the Arts, and Modern Finance, 5-6 de Novembro (Investigadores: Rui Carvalho Homem, Jorge Almeida e Pinho, Jorge Bastos da Silva, Márcia Lemos, Miguel Ramalhete Gomes –  https://relationalformsv.wordpress.com/

OnlineConferência internacional TEDELL 2020 – Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning, 12-14 de Novembro (Investigadores: Sandie Mourão e Carolyn Leslie – https://tedell2020.wordpress.com/

Presencial, com transmissão streamingConferência Dickens 150, 9 de Dezembro, Biblioteca Nacional (Investigadores: Rogério Miguel Puga – https://www.cetaps.com/events/dickens-150/


New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies II (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/ Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 14 de Fevereiro)

More Meals to Come / An International Conference – Projeto Alimentopia (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 11 a 13 de Abril)

Tradução na Prática/A Prática de Tradução VI (Coimbra, 17-18 de Maio de 2019)

Os Mundos Possíveis da Literatura Visual de Júlio Pomar (Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado, 22 e 23 de Maio)

40th APEAA meeting (Associação Portuguesa de Estudos Anglo-Americanos) (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 6 a 8 de Junho)

O que podem ensinar-nos as distopias? Nos 70 anos de “1984” (Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 25 de Junho)

O(s) Universo(s) do Refugiado: Repensar a Migração Forçada (Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 14 a 16 de Outubro)

Symposium Stonewall 50 (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 8 de Novembro de 2019)

Touring Travel Writing: Between Fact and Fiction / International Conference (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 5 a 7 de Dezembro)


JRAAS Seminar: “Louis MacNeice and the Politics of Museum Culture: Making Sense of the Earth” – Prof. Doutor Rui Carvalho Homem (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 23 January 2018.

National Colloquium: “Fictionalisations of Science in the Anglophone World V”.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – Star Wars. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 25 January 2018.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Cidades”): screening of The Fountainhead (1949) . Presented by Prof. Doutor Miguel Ramalhete Gomes (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 30 January 2018.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – “Berlim, Poesia e Transculturalidade”. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 15 February 2018.

JRAAS Seminar: “Imagined Cities in Utopia and Social Sciences” – Prof. Doutor Elton Dias Xavier (Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros, Brazil) . Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 20 February 2018.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Cidades”): screening of O Som ao Redor (2012) . Presented by Prof. Doutora Rosa Maria Martelo (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 28 February 2018.

Series of Lectures: “Literature and Science V” (in collaboration with CIUHCT- Centro Inter-Universitário da História da Ciência e da Tecnologia).

JRAAS Seminar: Ciclo de Conversas “Literatura e Identidade” – Profª Drª Teresa Botelho and Profª Drª Iolanda Ramos. Nova University, Lisbon, 7 March

III JRAAS Colloquium: “Dissecting the Human Body: Rethinking its Materiality, Sensibility and (Ab)Normality”. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 13 March 2018.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – Uma Exploração do Fantástico Pós-Tolkien. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 14 March 2018.

Working CLIL Colloquium. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 16 and 17 March 2018.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Fantasia”): screening of Soylent Green (1973). Presented by João Barreiros (Portuguese writer). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 6 April 2018.

JRAAS Seminar: “Expressão Obscura / Clareza da Obscuridade: Edgar Allan Poe em Português” – Prof. Doutora Margarida Vale de Gato (Nova University). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 19 April 2018.

JRAAS Training Session: “Organização de Eventos/Como Escrever um Artigo” – Prof. Doutora Fátima Vieira (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 14 May 2018.

II JRAAS Conference. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 14 and 15 May 2018.

JRAAS Seminar: “A Pedra que os Construtores Rejeitaram, Tornou-se Pedra Angular”: Circunstâncias de um Percurso Intelectual” – Prof. Doutor. Mário Avelar (Open University). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 15 May 2018.

JRAAS Training Session: “Revisão e Edição de Textos” – Prof. Doutor Miguel Ramalhete (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of, 22 May 2018.

JRAAS Training Session: “Pesquisa Bibliográfica: Recursos Digitais” – Prof. Doutor Gualter Cunha (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 25 May 2018.

International Congress “English Literature in the World: from Manuscript to Digital – New Pathways”. (Participation)

JRAAS Training Session: “Escrita Académica: Como Escrever um Resumo”, – Prof. Doutor Jorge Bastos da Silva (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 12 June 2018.

Working CLIL Workshop “Key Competences in Materials Design in CLIL: a Pluriliteracies Approach” – Cynthia Pimentel (University of Córdoba). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 28 June 2018.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – “Dreaming away your Life: Self-Insertion and Fabricated Identity in Videogames”. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 28 June 2018.

Conference: “A Escola Secundária no Cinema”, Registo: CCPFC/ACC-100757/18, FCSH & Escola Secundária Pedro Nunes, Lisbon, 6-7 July, 2018, https://www.cetaps.com/events/escolanocinema

JRAAS Training Session: “Escrita Académica: Como Escrever uma Recensão Crítica” – Prof. Doutor Rui Carvalho Homem (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 9 July 2018.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – “Analisando Perspetivas Independentes”. Livraria Confraria Vermelha (Porto), 20 July 2018.

JRAAS Reading Club: Harry Potter. FCSH-Nova University, 26 October 2018.

Internacional Conference Literature (&), (In)Tangible Heritage – Nova University, Lisbon, 11 and 12 October 2018.

International Congress “Literatura e Ciência: Diálogos Multidisciplinares – II” 11-12 October 2018.

JRAAS Seminar: “‘Only in silence, the word: o legado fantástico de Ursula K. Le Guin” – Prof. Teresa Botelho and Luís Filipe Silva. FCSH-Nova University, 7 November 2018.

TEFL – 7th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language Intercultural language education for increased European identity and cohesion – Nova University, Lisbon, 9 and 10 November 2018. https://www.cetaps.com/events/tefl7/ 

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Paraísos Perdidos: As Distopias no Cinema”): screening of Fahrenheit 451 (2018). Presented by João Félix (ULICES/CEAUL). FCSH-Nova University, 9 November 2018.

International Conference Dikes of Courage: Martin Luther King, the Civil Rights Movement and the Aesthetics of Protest, Nova University, Lisbon, 23 and  24 November 2018.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Paraísos Perdidos: As Distopias no Cinema”): screening of A Streetcar Named Desire (1951). Presented by Prof. Karen Bennett and Prof. Ricardo Marques (FCSH-Nova University). FCSH-Nova University, 29 November 2018.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Paraísos Perdidos: As Distopias no Cinema”): screening of Children of Men (2006). Presented by Prof. Teresa Botelho (FCSH-Nova University). FCSH-Nova University, 5 December 2018.

JRAAS Seminar: “‘I write for the same reason I breathe. O legado literário de Isaac Asimov” – Prof. Jorge Martins Rosa and Prof. João Félix. FCSH-Nova University, 14 December 2018.

“A Host of Tongues…” Multiligualism, Lingua Franca and Translation in the Early Modern Period. Nova University, Lisbon, 13-15 December 2018. https://ahostoftongues.org/

International Congress “Literatura e Ciência: Diálogos Multidisciplinares – II” 11-12 October 2018


JRAAS Seminar: “Crime Fiction: The Challenges of/to Realism” – Prof. Doutor Jorge Bastos da Silva (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 10 January 2017.

I JRAAS Colloquium: “Of Monsters and Men and Women”.  Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 17 January 2017.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo ““Os Cinco Sentidos”): screening of Sideways (2004). Presented by Vitor Ferreira (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 24 January 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “‘Time to Impact = 0.’ Como filmar o fim do mundo?” – Prof. Doutor Pedro Eiras  (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 7 February 2017.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo ““Os Cinco Sentidos”): screening of The King’s Speech (2010). Presented by Prof. Doutora Maria Luísa Malato (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 24 February 2017.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Para Além do Cânone”): screening of Omkara (2006). Presented by Saksham Sharda (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 3 March 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “Traduzir no Mundo Global, ou o Fim da (In)visibilidade” – Prof. Doutora Suzana Noronha Cunha (ISCAP). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 7 March 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “Tradução e Herança da Literatura Britânica” – Mário Cláudio (Portuguese writer). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 4 April 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Organização de Eventos/Como Escrever um Artigo” – Prof. Doutora Fátima Vieira (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 18 April 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Pesquisa Bibliográfica: Recursos Digitais” – Prof. Doutor Gualter Cunha (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 19 April 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Escrita Académica: Como Escrever uma Recensão Crítica” – Prof. Doutor Rui Carvalho Homem (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 20 April 2017.

JRAAS Cinema Session: screening of Demain (2015). Presented by the JRAAS team. Escola Secundário de Valongo, 24 April 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Escrita Académica: Como Escrever um Resumo”, – Prof. Doutor Jorge Bastos da Silva (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 21 April 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Revisão e Edição de Textos” – Prof. Doutor Miguel Ramalhete (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 26 April 2017.

“No Direction Home – Bob Dylan” de Martin Scorsese. Apresentação do documentário e conversa com Rogério Puga (CETAPS) e Teresa Botelho (CETAPS). FCSH, Nova University, 16 May

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Para Além do Cânone”): screening of Possession (1981). Presented by Prof. Doutor Mark Poole (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 16 May 2017.

‘I Am Not There’: International Conference on Bob Dylan, FCSH, 18-19 May.   https://internationalconferenceonbobdylanportugal2017.wordpress.com

JRAAS Training Session: “Pesquisa Bibliográfica/Dicionário de Termos Literários” – Prof. Doutor Carlos Ceia (Nova University). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 22 May 2017.

I JRAAS Conference. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 22 and 23 May 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “Habitando a Terra de Ninguém: Tradução (d)e Poesia” – Prof. Doutora Ana Luísa Amaral (Portuguese poet/ University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 23 May 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: “Comunicação de Ciência” – Doutora Filipa Ribeiro (IBMC). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 10 October 2017.

JRAAS Training Session: EgoNet software – Doutora Filipa Ribeiro (IBMC). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the FacuFLUP I&D, 16 October 2017.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo “Cidades”): screening of Midnight in Paris (2011). Presented by Prof. Doutor Carlos Azevedo (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 17 October 2017.

2nd International Conference Atlantic Communities: Translation | Conflict | Belief | Ideology. 19– 21 October. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal). A joint initiative of Universidade do Porto (UP) Universidade de Vigo. Queen’s University, Belfast. CETAPS https://cetaps.wixsite.com/atlantic-communities

2nd Anglo-Portuguese Relations Conference: Travel Writing, Institute of Modern Languages Research, CETAPS & University of London, London, 2-3 Nov. 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “So relatable!”: Empathy and Otherness, Fiction and Ethics – Prof. Doutora Prof. Doutora Sofia de Melo Araújo (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 7 November 2017.

Relational Forms IV Literature and the Arts since the 1960s: Protest, Identity and the Imagination. 15-17 November. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal) https://cetaps.wixsite.com/relational-forms-4

JRAAS Cinema Session: screening of BAFTA Shorts. Presented by Viviane Fontoura (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 16 November 2017.

II JRAAS Colloquium: “Exploring the Inevitability of Death”. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 21 November 2017.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon”. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 28 November 2017.

JRAAS Seminar: “Restless Excitement and a Wealth of Paradoxes: An Exegesis of a 1964 Special Issue of Life Magazine About Japan” – Prof. David Pinho Barros (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 5 December 2017.

JRAAS Reading Club “Thinking Beyond the Canon” – Harry Potter. Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 12 December 2017.


Intercultural, interculturalism or interculturalidad(e) ‘Glocal languages’ in higher education in Brazil — Intercultural, interculturalismo ou interculturalidad(e)? ‘Línguas glocais’ no ensino superior no Brasil – Prof. Doutora Maria Manuela D. Guilherme (Marie Curie Research Fellow), FCSH, Nova University, 4 February

37th Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, CETAPS & FCSH, 21-23 March 2016. https://apeaaconference2016.wordpress.com 

17th International Conference of the Utopian Studies Society/Europe. FCSH, Nova University, 5 – 9 July.

“Potter 150/Dahl 100”. Portugal. The Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa; the Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (National Library of Portugal), Liter21. Grupo de Investigación da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and Elos. Asociación Galego-Portuguesa de Investigación en Literatura Infantil e X/Juvenil. One-day International Conference dedicated to the study of the works of Potter and Dahl and their influence. Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, 14th October 2016. https://potter150dahl100lisbon.wordpress.com 

JRAAS Seminar “Through the Doors of Perception: Heterotopia in Aldous Huxley’s Utopia” – Prof. Jonathan Lee Lewis (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 18 October 2016.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo ““Os Cinco Sentidos”): screening of Perfect Sense (2011). Presented by Joana Caetano (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 25 October 2016.

JRAAS Seminar: “The ‘Pastness of the Past’ and its Presence: Presentism Beyond Universals, from Bob Dylan to Shakespeare” – Prof. Doutor Miguel Ramalhete Gomes  (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 8 November 2016.

TEFL – 6th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language: “Communication, culture and creativity in the ELT classroom”, 18-19 November 2016 – FCSH, Lisbon. https://tefl6.wordpress.com

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo ““Os Cinco Sentidos”): screening of Johnny Got His Gun (1971). Presented by Sara Santos (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 22 November 2016.

Romancing Shakespeare: the Bard in the Imagination of the Romance Cultures. International Conference – Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal) 5-7 December 2016. A joint initiative of Universidade do Porto (UP) Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (UPVM) Universidad de Murcia (UM) http://cetaps.wixsite.com/shakespeare2016

JRAAS Seminar: “You say Utopia, I say Dystopia… Utopia… Dystopia… Should we call the whole thing off? (or can the Ethical Turn help?)” – Prof. Doutora Sofia de Melo Araújo  (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 13 December 2016.

JRAAS Cinema Session (Ciclo ““Os Cinco Sentidos”): screening of Ex-Machina (2015). Presented by Daniel Floquet (University of Porto). Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the Faculty of Porto, 14 December 2016.


Ciclo de Conferências Literatura & Ciência III, Nova, FCSH

  • Entre Guerras: Da (Inter)Nacionalização das Ciências — Doutor Fernando Clara (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/IELT/IHC/ CETAPS) 29 January
  • A Necessidade de Adaptação Artifcial: Darwin, Malthus, Álvaro de Campos e o Projecto Anticristão de Fernando Pessoa — Daniel Gamito Marques (CIUHCT) 26 February
  • “De Angola à Contracosta”: um Percurso Científco-Literário — Dr.ª Filipa Geirinhas 26 March
  • The Technological Body: Transhuman and Post-Human Subjectivities in the Post-Singularity Fiction of Charles Stross (Accelerando and Glasshouse) — ª Doutora Teresa Botelho (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CETAPS) 23 April
  • “The Technology Race”: Do Pensamento Científco Britânico Oitocentista aos Videojogos de Estratégia — ª Teresa Pereira (CETAPS) 21 May
  • O Mundo Chato de Edwin A. Abbot ou como Projectar uma Distopia Bidimensional  Doutor António Lopes (Universidade do Algarve/CETAPS) 25 June
  • 150º Aniversário da Publicação de As Aventuras de Alice no País das Maravilhas, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisboa, 9 Oct. 2015. https://alice150portugal.wordpress.com 

Relational Forms III Imagining Europe: Wars, Territories, Identities Representations in Literature and the Arts 19-20 November 2015. International Conference. Faculty of Arts and Humanities University of Porto, Portugal http://web.letras.up.pt/relational3/index.html

International Conference: “Caught in the Act: The (Literary) Imagiconography of Paula Rego”, 3-4 December 2015, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon. https://paularegolisbonconference2015.wordpress.com


Ciclo de Conferências Literatura & Ciência II, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

  • “Dentro do Tubo de Ensaio”: a Metáfora como Linguagem da Realidade Ricardo Marques (CETAPS) 10 February
  • Corolários Políticos do Evolucionismo Filipe Furtado (Universidade Nova de Lisboa/CETAPS) 17 April
  • A Fortuna do Naturalista-Viajante Alberto Fortis entre Observação Científca e Imagem Literária Luana Giurgevich (CIUHCT) 22 May
  • O Céu é o Limite: H. G. Wells e a Reinvenção da Arte da Guerra em The War in the Air (1908) António Lopes (Universidade do Algarve/CETAPS) 19 June

International Conference Youth In/And Literature & Society (em colaboração com o CESNOVA) Nova University, Lisbon, 9-11 July

Home Rule, Great War: fulfilment and disaster in the Irish imagination an international symposium | 21 November 2014. Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal) https://sigarra.up.pt/flup/pt/noticias_geral.ver_noticia?p_nr=30522

TEFL – 5th International Conference on Teaching English as a Foreign Language: “Assessment in ELT – Opportunities and Challenges “, 21 – 22 November 2014 – FCSH. http://tealsfcsh.wordpress.com

International Conference: ‘Arch&Lit: Inter-Arts Dialogue(s)’, CETAPS, FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 4-5 Dec. 2014. http://internationalconferencearchandlit.wordpress.com 


International Conference on Macau Narratives. Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas / Museu do Oriente. 8-10 May Museu do Oriente.

International Conference on the Luso-American Experience Nem Cá Nem Lá, mas Também: Congresso Internacional sobre a Experiência Luso-Americana. (em colaboração com o CEAUL) Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, New University of Lisbon July 11-13.

Colóquio Ficcionalizações da Ciência na Grã-Bretanha III (Séculos XIX e XX) Evocação do Centenário de Alfred Russell Walace. 5 de Dezembro. FCSH – UNL.

Seminário Permanente de Estudos sobre Macau 


Ciclo de Palestras Comemorativo do Centenário do Nascimento de Deolinda da Conceição (1913-1957)

  • Sessão I – 20 de Novembro | FCSH
    «O Pós de um Prefácio» (leitura em nome do autor, filho da escritora), por António da Conceição Júnior (Museu de Arte de Macau);
    «Símbolo, Prenúncio ou Valor Sentimental?: A Personagem e o Objecto nos ‘Contos Chineses’ de Deolinda da Conceição», por Gustavo Infante (Universidade de Bristol);
    «O Leitor a Aprender nas Entrelinhas: Diálogos Interculturais e a Cultura Chinesa nos Contos de Deolinda da Conceição», por Rogério Miguel Puga (CETAPS, CHAM).
  • 21 de Novembro | FCSH
    “A presença inglesa e as relações anglo-nipónicas no Japão (1613-1623)” The English Presence and Anglo-Portuguese Relations in Japan (1613-1623)”, por Rogério Miguel Puga (CETAPS, CHAM)


Seminário Permanente sobre Escrita de Viagens

  • 4 de Junho
    “Portugal é aqui – Uma casa sem lugar ou comboio fora dos carris da história” – Everton V. Machado (Centro de Estudos Comparatista – Universidade de Lisboa)
    “Viajar e “Desabafar’ através da crónica: O Vento dos Outros” – Rogério Miguel Puga (CETAPS, FCSH/Nova)
    “Viajar é ter e ler uma biblioteca” – Raquel Ochoa
  • 10 de Julho
    “A viagem não acaba nunca” no universo saramaguiano: percursos interiores e exteriores em A Jangada de Pedra e A Viagem do Elefante” Mariana Gonçalves (CETAPS-FCSH)

CETAPS Lectures

  • Preparing students for an intercultural world: The roles of culture and literature in foreign language teaching” Professor Mark Sawyer (School of Policy Studies, Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan). Nova University, Lisbon, 28 November
  • “Illustrated Lecture ‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume!’: Henry Morton Stanley Recalls the Voyage-Encounter with Dr David Livingstone” Rogério Miguel Puga (CETAPS, FCSH/NOVA). Nova University, Lisbon, 5 December.
  • Version, Subversion: translation, the canon and its discontents – an international conference on literary translation 12-14 December 2013, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto (Portugal) 



Seminário Permanente American Intersections:

19/3/2019: The Rhetoric of Humor Aristotle’s Triangle and the Missing Artistic Proof of Humos;

28/3/2019: “Be silent in that solitude”: Women and the Subversion of Silence in Surah Al Mujadilah and Poe’s Ligeia;

9/5/2019: Is War Beautiful? Contemporary American Literature and War;

30/5/2019: The Trouble with Poetry: Billy Collins, Other Poets and Many Troubles;

4/7/2019: Catastrophe and Hope: Climate Change in American Contemporary Novels.


Seminário Permanente de Estudos Anglo-Portugueses:

18/7/2019: Romeu e Julieta: da Tragédia à Comédia em Anos de Prosa.


Seminário Permanente de Humanidades Digitais:

2/12/2019: Humanidades Digitais – o potencial ludonarrativo dos videojogos.


Ciclo de Conferências Literatura & Ciência

21/3/2019: A Desumanização da Academia: as Humanidades e a Segunda Guerra Mundial;

11 /4/2019: O Que as Fábulas Medievais Nos Dizem Sobre o Universo do Feudo;

16/5/2019: “Alice in Mathland: Where’s the Wonder?”;

6/7/2019: Edward Bulwer-Lytton e The Coming Race (1871) – Da Ficção Científica a uma Visão Distópica e Satírica da Sociedade Vitoriana.


Outros seminários, colóquios e simpósios:

20/02/2019: Bilingual Education, Translanguaging Practices and Teacher Preparation: Approches from Brazilian, American and Portuguese Contexts (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto);

13/03/2019: English Language Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto);

03/04/2019: Implementing CLIL. Some methodological Insights and Assessment Tips (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto);

23/05/2019: Simpósio Utopias Queer: 50 Anos de Stonewall (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto).

Fev./Maio 2019: Curso Pré-Universitário da UNL. Carlos Ceia: Reading Club. Iniciação à literatura europeia. Leccionado em Inglês.



Series of (Internal) Lectures: “Literature, Transmedialty and Power”:

4/2/2019: Impacte da Imagem no Renascimento: Propaganda e Consolidação de Poder;

15/3/2019: Do Combate pela Liberdade de Expressão à Nomeação como Responsável pela Propaganda e Censura do Commonwealth Puritano – John Milton e o seu Percurso Paradoxal.

Outras palestras:

19/9/2019: Literatura e Alteridade: A Produção Contemporânea Brasileira e os Clássicos Revisitados.



21/5/2019: No bicentenário de John Ruskin: Cultura, Artes, Sociedade (Mesa Redonda);

23/5/2019: Inferninho / My Own Private Hell – Utopias Queer (CETAPS/ILCML/Queer Porto, Reitoria da Universidade do Porto) (sessão de cinema);

16/01 a 22/05/2019 (bissemanal): Literary Investigations: Reading Circle on the Relationship between Philosophy and Literary Criticism (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto) (grupo de leitura).

03/07/2019 a 05/07/2019. Over_Seas: Melville, Whitman, and All the Intrepid Sailors. (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa). Organization and exhibition curator and presentation of the exhibition: Isabel Oliveira Martins. (Exposição)

14-17/07/2019: Gutenberg Academy network meeting: CETAPS/NOVA FCSH Lisbon. https://www.cetaps.com/cetaps-networking/ 

14/11/2019: Lançamento de livro de ex-mestrando, Manuel Tchakamba: New Trends in English Language Teaching and Assessment: Implications for the Angolan Context. (Lançamento de livro) 

12/12/2019: Cultura e Anarquia: Ler Matthew Arnold Hoje I – De Arnold ao Brexit (Faculdade de Letras/Universidade de Lisboa) (debate)


Colaboração com o Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão, 2019:

25-26/03/2019: Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão: palestra e dinamização de actividades com estudantes e professores do ensino secundário envolvidos no projecto Erasmus GIFT (Portugal, Roménia, Bulgária, Croácia, Itália e Chipre): “Erasmus (a) GIFT for an Intercultural Europe”.

11/01/2019: FCSH, “Interculturalidade na Europa Actual” oferecida a com um grupo de estudantes do Agrupamento de Escolas do Fundão envolvidos no projecto Erasmus GIFT (Portugal, Roménia, Bulgária, Croácia, Itália e Chipre). (palestra)



Conferências e colóquios:

Colóquio IV JRAAS Colloquium: Women’s Narratives (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 30 de Abril).

New Perspectives: 3rd JRAAS Conference (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 16 a 17 Maio);


Approaches to Translanguaging in Bilingual Settings – JRAAS Seminars (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 27 de Fevereiro)

On Irish Women’s Prose Writing – JRAAS Seminars (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 25 de Março)

Victorian Studies, Neo-Victorianism and Steampunk: (Con)texts, Themes and Problematisations – JRAAS Seminars (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 10 de Abril)

Global Perspectives on Anglo-American Food Culture: Kellog and Cow Protection – British and American Life Reform and Hindu Nationalism in the 1890s – JRAAS Seminars (Reitoria da Universidade do Porto, 18 Junho)

Sessões de cinema: 

Short Films by Nuno Rocha – JRAAS Movie Sessions (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 18 de Março)

Hitchcock’s Spellbound apresentado por Mark Poole – JRAAS Movie Sessions (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 22 de Março)

BAFTA Short Films 2018 – JRAAS Movie Sessions (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 29 de Abril)

(A)Social – 10 Days without a Cellphone – JRAAS Movie Sessions/Utopia500 (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 21 de Maio 2019)

Training Programmes:

Revision and Editing of Texts – JRAAS Training Session (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 14 de Fevereiro)

Writing an Abstract – JRAAS Training Session (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 14 de Março)

Writing a Critical Review – JRAAS Training Session (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 19 de Março)

Creative Writing – JRAAS Training Session (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 28 de Março)

Bibliographic Research – JRAAS Training Session (Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, 2 de Maio)