Welcome to CETAPS Digital Laboratory

CETAPS Digital Laboratory is a platform for Digital Humanities that hosts unique projects and provides initial and advanced training and support to CETAPS members, collaborators and students to experiment with critical digital humanities approaches.


CETAPS Repository

CETAPS Repository

An initiative of the CETAPS Digital Lab that offers the academic and non-academic community valuable collections and resources in the fields of English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies.
E-Dictionary of Literary Terms

E-Dictionary of Literary Terms

O projecto de um E-Dicionário de Termos Literários, em língua portuguesa, iniciado há já 10 anos, pretende recolher o maior número possível de termos técnicos em uso nas teorias da literatura, na crítica literária, nos textos académicos, nas bibliografias específicas dos estudos literários e culturais.
English Travellers in Portugal

English Travellers in Portugal

Anglophone Travellers in Portugal, A Storytelling Approach to Travel Writing
Interview with Professor Karen Bennett on translation in the academic context

Interview with Professor Karen Bennett on translation in the academic context

Karen Bennett’s talks about translation in academic context to Radio Universidad de Salamanca

Lyman Tower Sargent Bibliography

With over 19,000 entries compiled by Lyman Tower Sargent, this already is the major resource of critical bibliography on utopia, but we expect it to grow with your contribution. Our aim is to have a complete list of critical sources in any language, add digital objects such as abstracts and full texts, and make the database searchable by subject.


A Consciousness of One’s Own: Mapping English Modernist Legacies in the 21st Century Writings of Two American Female Writers – Sandra Cisneros and Lucy Ellmann

A Consciousness of One’s Own: Mapping English Modernist Legacies in the 21st Century Writings of Two American Female Writers – Sandra Cisneros and Lucy Ellmann

An index of websites related to the work of authors Lucy Ellman and Sandra Cisneros was assembled as part of the ...
Horizon: A collaborative utopia-building game

Horizon: A collaborative utopia-building game

Have you ever imagined what a utopian community would look like? Welcome to Horizon, where you can create your own. Inspired by map-making games like Avery Alder’s The Quiet Year and Beak, Feather, & Bone by Tyler Crumrine, we are proud to bring you Horizon: A Collaborative Utopia-Building Game.
Mapping Edgar Allan Poe’s Terror

Mapping Edgar Allan Poe’s Terror

PhD Thesis - Jaqueline Pierazzo The main purpose of this thesis is to provide a complete study of the effect of ...
Mapping the African American Space in Toni Morrison

Mapping the African American Space in Toni Morrison

MA Dissertation - Alice Gonçalves The purpose of this work is to use Digital Humanities not only as the ...
Privutopia: A study of privacy in utopian thought

Privutopia: A study of privacy in utopian thought

Privacy is commonly considered a modern phenomenon associated with life in the bourgeois home, a space supposedly ...


Fátima Vieira presented Horizon on the TV programme Sociedade Civil

Fátima Vieira presented Horizon on the TV programme Sociedade Civil

Mapping Utopias: An introduction to mapmaking in R

Mapping Utopias: An introduction to mapmaking in R

Towards the Maelstrom: The Digital Humanities in Action

Towards the Maelstrom: The Digital Humanities in Action

The VIA PANORAMICA Winter Issue 2024 has just been published. The thematic section, in the words of the executive ...
Thalassologia: The Blue Humanities in film

Thalassologia: The Blue Humanities in film

Starting in November, the JRAAS team and the Digital Lab will be launching a cinema cycle centred entirely around ...
1st CETAPS Meeting on Digital Humanities

1st CETAPS Meeting on Digital Humanities

The CETAPS Digital Laboratory is organising a two-day meeting on Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Arts and ...