ENLIVEN is a new Horizon 2020 project funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Young-Society Call Young-3.
The ENLIVEN research models how policy interventions in adult education markets can become more effective. Integrating state-of-the-art methodologies and theorisations (for example, Case-Based Reasoning methodology in artificial intelligence, bounded agency in adult learning), it implements and evaluates an innovative Intelligent Decision Support System to provide a new and more scientific underpinning for policy debate and decision-making on adult learning, especially for young adults. It utilises findings from research conducted by European and international agencies and research projects, as well as from the ENLIVEN project. It will enable policy-makers at European Union, national and organizational levels to enhance the provision and take-up of learning opportunities for adults, leading to a more productive and innovative workforce, and reduced social exclusion.
CETAPS is a partner of this project working in the languages group who will produce modules for digital competences in languages learning.
Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (ICEPELL)
ERASMUS + KA203 project
October 2019 – August 2022
Coordinated by Sandie Mourão (FCT / CETAPS researcher)
Total budget: 300 667,00 €
The main aim of this three-year project, which focuses on innovation in the Higher Education and School Education Sectors, is to strengthen the profile of the teaching profession through the development of practitioner competencies to confidently integrate intercultural citizenship education (ICE) into early English as a foreign language (EFL) education. The target group is the school community – practitioners (teachers of English, teacher librarians, student teachers), children aged 5 to 12 years, and teacher educators.
Consisting of a network of partners from five European countries – Portugal, Germany, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands – with expertise in early language learning, teacher education, picturebooks in language learning and materials design, ICEPELL aims to:
- Survey practitioners’ attitudes and reasons for reticence towards ICE
- Compile a data-base of picturebooks in English to develop ICE in early EFL education
- Provide training and professional development to pre- and in-service practitioners, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and competences to successfully plan for, manage and assess ICE through picturebooks in early EFL education
- Develop, pilot and evaluate teaching packs around picturebooks that will integrate ICE in early EFL
- Publish and disseminate a handbook that supports practitioners and teacher educators in integrating ICE through picturebooks into the early EFL curriculum
- Facilitate an Open Educational Resources platform on e-Twinning that enables practitioners to develop communities of practice
- Support teachers in setting up a virtual space to bring children together across borders to interact and develop ICE in real time
- Set up an ICEPELL Project platform to disseminate the project activities and outputs
Visit the ICEPELL site here
Download an ICEPELL flier here
Creative Approaches to New Democracy through Innovative Inclusive Citizenship Education (CANDIICE)
CANDIICE is a five-country collaboration to provide:
- – active creative, arts-based learning resources using digital technologies and associated staff training to help future generations make democracy work inclusively for their harmonious futures
- – institutional change resources
- – wider implementation guidance
During the 2019 – 2022 period of Erasmus funding, CANDIICE.eu will grow into an inspiring online training and resource hub for all educators wishing to expand their uses of creativity, collaboration and learner empowerment. Continual work to rethink and improve genuine inclusion is essential as communities become more diverse – our methodologies are focused on recognising the changing attitudes and forces that deprive and exclude and will promote new uses of digital learning (often non-verbal) to ensure that marginal and disadvantaged learners play their full part. CANDIICE.eu will provide flexible training modules suitable for educators in different sectors of formal and informal education. They will be designed to fit into existing training structures to maximise adaptable ease of use. Training will build capacity, confidence and inspiration to incorporate creative flair into this most important aspect of education for a future inclusive Europe. Additional materials for education leaders and policymakers will give detailed recommendations and strategic guidance at the institution, locality and national levels to provide a roadmap to update citizenship education so that it successfully reinforces inclusive, pluralist democracy in a digital age.
Educators responsible for citizenship learning carry a massive responsibility – to ensure that future generations understand and build successful coexistence in changing, diverse communities. A universal commitment to common European values is the bedrock of peaceful coexistence; until recently we assumed that established democratic processes would defend these basic tenets. The mechanisms of democracy have been severely jolted by rapid changes in communications technology, many groups in our populations have been left behind, or excluded in different ways. Citizenship education with extensive digital awareness is the space where future generations must formulate a sophisticated understanding of their part in a democratic future: whether they can be collaborative agents of change or disempowered consumers of manipulated attention and attitudes. CANDIICE.eu will be a major support for educators needing to work effectively in that space.
CANDIICE will make exciting new learning materials and associated training freely available through CANDIICE.eu with extensive links through other European online resources and strategic guidance. Materials will be produced through repeated processes of collection and evaluation of best practice, research-based innovation and unique collaborations between our partners: leading European agencies in digital open learning, intercultural inclusion, citizenship, creative community arts, learner Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education FormId KA204-D0C01D8B Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 4 / 147 empowerment and professional adult education and training.
Awarded funds:
CETAPS: 47,940 €
TOTAL: 281,554 €
CANDIICE partners are:
School Development Support Agency (Lead agency) – Leicester, United Kingdom http://www.sdsa.net National and international project development, networking and training for public services. International training programmes on service leadership and improvement, diversity and inclusion, intercultural education, language diversity, learner co-construction and empowerment.
Eurosoc#Digital – Berlin, Germany https://www.eurosoc-digital.org Innovators of digital, interactive, creative learning exploring European citizenship, plural democratic values, community civic engagement, youth politics and activism.
Forum za Slobodu Odgoja – Zagreb, Croatia Forum for Freedom in Education http://www.fso.hr/ Teacher training institution specialising in a wide range of unique in-service programmes with extensive international links. Expertise in values, liberal education, citizenship with well-established national impact.
Les Tetes de l’Art – Marseille, France www.lestetesdelart.fr Progressive intercultural community-based arts and creative hub. Innovator of multi-media youth projects.
Nova University – Lisbon, Portugal https://www.unl.pt Initial teacher education institution specialising in language and intercultural understanding
Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) is an inter-institutional network which has been set up to promote the engagement in and dissemination of investigation in the field of primary English education in Portugal
Initiated by Sandie Mourão (CETAPS), this involves representatives from all Higher Education Institutions in Portugal where master degrees in Teaching English in Primary Education are taught.
- PEEP17 – Instituto Politécnico de Porto, 22 September 2017 (Co-organised with CETAPS): A one-day event for the dissemination of teacher-research in primary English education in Portugal
- PEEP Inter-institutional meeting, Instituto Politécnico de Guarda, 8 February 2018: A one-day event focusing on ‘The teaching practicum – problems and solutions’
- PEEP18 Instituto de Educação / Universidade de Lisboa, 13 October 2018 (co-organised with Universidade de Aveiro): ): A one-day event for the dissemination of teacher-research in primary English education in Portugal
- PEEP Inter-institutional meeting, Universidade Nova Lisboa. TBC
Assessment in primary English education in Portugal: Attitudes, approaches and constraints
(October 2017 – June 2019)
An inter-institutional research project, coordinated by Sandie Mourão (CETAPS) with Carolyn Leslie (CETAPS), Maria Alfredo Moreira (CIEd) and Estela Monterio (CIEd).
- To characterise institutional and practitioner attitudes towards assessment in primary English education
- To chart approaches and practices related to assessment in primary English education
- To identify constraints in adhering to national standards and a transformative vision of language education.
TEYL in the practicum: mapping supervisory and teaching approaches (MAp)
January 2018 – December 2020
An inter-institutional research project coordinated by Flávia Vieira (CIEd) and Sandie Mourão (CETAPS) together with researchers from all Higher Education Institutions in Portugal.
- To produce and disseminate knowledge on supervisory and teaching approaches developed in TEYL master programmes in Portugal, so as to understand similarities and differences among practicum models, as well as their impact on learner and teacher development
- To improve supervisory and teaching approaches based on research results
- To consolidate the PEEP network through joint collaboration in research development and dissemination focused on members’ concerns and agendas for action
CETAPS/FCSH is now an Associate Partner of ITELab (Initial Teacher Education Lab), co-ordinated by European Schoolnet, a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in ITE. It is co-funded under the Erasmus+ Programme till 2019. Knowledge and best practices will be exchanged and participation in the trials of the ITELab modules and student teacher MOOC will take place in 2018 and 2019.
In 2018, the beta test of the student teacher MOOC is open to student teachers of the associate partner universities.
Self-Evaluation / Quality Assurance Tool Kit is a project to start in 2018 by the recently created ALL=IN Network (connected with NECE: Networking European Citizenship Education).It aims at developing online self-evaluation resources to guide citizenship educators through a supportive, step-by-step process to evaluate their own programmes. It will be structured to help practitioners reflect on complex issues relating to migration, identity politics, discrimination, inequality, diversity and cohesion. Content and web-based architecture will need to be developed in parallel and a period of piloting and ‘beta-testing’.
Founded in 2006, the Gutenberg Academy brings up to 25 of the university’s best doctoral students and artists (junior members) together and provides them with the chance to participate in an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas at the highest intellectual level. These students have the possibility to interact and exchange with excellent researchers and artists of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) (senior members.) The Gutenberg Academy supports JGU’s best young researchers and young artists in the development of their professional careers in the arts and sciences. The Academy’s central focus is on the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, individual development and networking.
Next Gutemberg Academy network meeting: CETAPS/NOVA FCSH Lisbon, 14-17 July, 2019