Donzília Soares

Donzília Soares

Carlos Lindade

Carlos Lindade

Ana Brasil Soares

Ana Brasil Soares

Ana Catarina Castro

Ana Catarina Castro

Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks

Understanding the World: Multiculturality, Interculturality and Global Citizenship in Picturebooks

PEEP’23: Enhancing classroom practices and children’s learning experiences

PEEP’23: Enhancing classroom practices and children’s learning experiences

Hosted by FCSH, Nova University Lisbon Sponsored by CETAPS /FCSH
Colóquio: Margens e Pontes Para a Educação

Colóquio: Margens e Pontes Para a Educação

O colóquio, dirigido pelo docente Carlos Ceia, será transmitido no canal de YouTube da NOVA FCSH.
ICEPELL Hybrid Conference

ICEPELL Hybrid Conference

The ICEPELL Hybrid Conference is the closing event for the ERASMUS+ ICEPELL project. It is a CELEBRATION of picturebooks for intercultural citizenship education in early English language learning with children from 5 to 12 years old.
Formação de Professores e Estatuto da Carreira Docente: Um colóquio para preparar o futuro

Formação de Professores e Estatuto da Carreira Docente: Um colóquio para preparar o futuro

Um colóquio com João Couvadeiro, David Justino, Mário Nogueira, Paulo Guinote, Vitor Teodoro Duarte e Carlos Ceia
Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives in Education and Translation: Mediation and multimodality

Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives in Education and Translation: Mediation and multimodality

This conference aims to attract scholars and practitioners from the worlds of education and translation studies – distinct areas with their own specific concerns, histories and bibliographies.
Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning

Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning

Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning’, which became ‘TEdELL2020 Virtual’, was organized through CETAPS, FCSH, Nova University, Lisbon in collaboration with the AILA Early language Learning Research Network (ELL ReN) and the Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) Network.
Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT)

Picturebooks in European Primary English Language Teaching (PEPELT)

A social media project (2018 – 2023) to help teachers critically explore, select and use picturebooks which enable children to address global issues and promote positive change inside and outside the classroom.