I came, I saw, I conquered: The Roman Road to Impactful Presentations – Ruben Correia (webinar)

I came, I saw, I conquered: The Roman Road to Impactful Presentations – Ruben Correia (webinar)

10th Advanced Research Seminar

10th Advanced Research Seminar

Webinar w/ Rúben Correia

Webinar w/ Rúben Correia

I came, I saw, I conquered: The Roman Road to impactful presentations
Ana Boléo

Ana Boléo

Classroom-based assessment in primary English education

Classroom-based assessment in primary English education

Nathália Peixoto

Nathália Peixoto

Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning

Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning

Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC

Transforming assessment mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC

TAM-bMOOC stands for ‘Transforming Assessment Mindsets: Professional development through a blended MOOC and an e-Community of Practice’, which is a research project coordinated through CETAPS, FCSH, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Zita Mendes

Zita Mendes

Teresa Maló Sequeira

Teresa Maló Sequeira

Tatevik Hambaryan

Tatevik Hambaryan

Susana Frutuoso

Susana Frutuoso