Luciano Moreira

Liam Benison

Joana Caetano

Jaqueline Pierazzo

Fátima Vieira

Interview with Professor Karen Bennett on translation in the academic context
Karen Bennett’s talks about translation in academic context to Radio Universidad de Salamanca

CETAPS Repository
An initiative of the CETAPS Digital Lab that offers the academic and non-academic community valuable collections and resources in the fields of English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies.

English Travellers in Portugal
Anglophone Travellers in Portugal, A Storytelling Approach to Travel Writing
Lyman Tower Sargent Bibliography
With over 19,000 entries compiled by Lyman Tower Sargent, this already is the major resource of critical bibliography on utopia, but we expect it to grow with your contribution. Our aim is to have a complete list of critical sources in any language, add digital objects such as abstracts and full texts, and make the database searchable by subject.

E-Dictionary of Literary Terms
O projecto de um E-Dicionário de Termos Literários, em língua portuguesa, iniciado há já 10 anos, pretende recolher o maior número possível de termos técnicos em uso nas teorias da literatura, na crítica literária, nos textos académicos, nas bibliografias específicas dos estudos literários e culturais.