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Research Coordination
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- All Areas
- Anglo-Portuguese Studies
- Orientalism and Anglo-Portuguese (Post-)Colonial Relations
- Anglophone Cultures and History
- American Intersections
- Culture, Science and the Media
- Mapping Utopianisms
- Relational Forms: Medial and Textual Transits in Ireland and Britain
- Shakespeare and The English Canon: History, Criticism, Translation
- Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies
- Content and Language Integrated Learning
- Intercultural studies in second-language education
- Teacher education and curriculum studies in second-language education
- Translationality

Phillippa May Bennett

Pilar Gerns Jiménez-Villarejo
Pilar Gerns Jiménez-Villarejo

Ricardo Marques

Rima Prakash

Rita Baleiro

Rita Zurrapa

Rodrigo Ramos

Rogério Miguel Puga

Rosana Durão

Rúben Constantino Correia
Rúben Constantino Correia

Rui Carvalho Homem

Rui Mateus

Sandie Mourão

Sandra Fradão