Have you ever imagined what a utopian community would look like? Welcome to Horizon, where you can create your own. Inspired by map-making games like Avery Alder’s The Quiet Year and Beak, Feather, & Bone by Tyler Crumrine, we are proud to bring you Horizon: A Collaborative Utopia-Building Game.
Privacy is commonly considered a modern phenomenon associated with life in the bourgeois home, a space supposedly free of the political exigencies of the ‘public sphere’, according to Jürgen ...
A Consciousness of One’s Own: Mapping English Modernist Legacies in the 21st Century Writings of Two American Female Writers – Sandra Cisneros and Lucy Ellmann
An index of websites related to the work of authors Lucy Ellman and Sandra Cisneros was assembled as part of the research conducted by Márcia Lemos within the framework of her postdoctoral ...
PhD Thesis - Jaqueline Pierazzo
The main purpose of this thesis is to provide a complete study of the effect of terror in Edgar Allan Poe’s works through the development of a detailed digital ...
Mapping the African American Space in Toni Morrison
MA Dissertation - Alice Gonçalves
The purpose of this work is to use Digital Humanities not only as the methodology for it, but also as the mode chosen to display research outcomes.
The ...