Convener: Karen Bennett

Translation is poised to become the metaphor of our times. Things change, metamorphose, become other. But the dynamic is not random; the new is always modelled on the old, reformed in accordance with changing circumstances – a constant process of becoming that is constitutive of languages, knowledge and cultures.

This was how ‘translation’ was understood in the medieval period before representation was installed as the dominant theory of meaning in the Western world. It was an embodied performative concept, which was vertical as well as horizontal in that it involved change over time.

In Middle English, flowers, bishops, captured peoples, and the relics of saints are all translat from garden to garden, see to see, kingdom to kingdom, shrine to shrine; the soul is translat to God in mystical rapture or at death; and learning, culture, political power, and divine covenant are translat from east to west, pagan to Christian, Old to New Testament, in various manifestations of ‘translatio studii et imperii’, the translation of learning and empire (Watson 2008:76).

Today, translation is again being used in senses that take it far beyond the merely textual. In philosophy, it is ‘understanding, interpretation and hermeneutics’; in linguistics it is ‘meaning, conceptualization, construal and metaphor’; in anthropology ‘an encounter with others and oneself’ (Blumczynski 2016: ix). In biology, genes are translated into cells and bodies, while in medicine, scientific findings are translated into enhanced health and well-being. For Douglas Robinson (2017: x), translationality is ‘transformationality: the constant emergingness of everything through embodied, situated, performative interactions’ [my emphasis].

This strand seeks to explore the transformative processes at work within the Centre’s specific domains of interest. It looks not only at how texts metamorphose in different linguistic, cultural and semiotic settings, but also at how concepts, models and codes migrate and evolve over time.

It therefore contemplates a range of perspectives from the theoretical, descriptive and critical to the practical and pedagogical. Initiatives proposed under its auspices include not only research into various forms of translational behavior, but also practical training sessions designed to complement the courses currently offered on our degree programmes.



Blumczynski, Piotr (2016) Ubiquitous Translation. London and New York: Routledge.

Robinson, Douglas (2017) Translationality: Essays in the Translational-Medical Humanities. London and New York: Routledge

Watson, Nicholas (2008) ‘Theories of Translation’. In the Oxford History of Literary Translation into English, Vol. 1. To 1550. R Ellis (ed.) Oxford University Press. 73-90.

O CETAPS abre bolsa de investigação para estudante de doutoramento
– Área Científica: Estudos de Tradução

Edital em Português aqui

CETAPS offers Research Grant for PhD student
– Main scientific field: Translation Studies

Notice in English here




International Conference: 14-16 December 2023. Epistemic Translation: Towards an Ecology of Knowledges. Nova University of Lisbon. This interdisciplinary conference, organized within the ambit of the EPISTRAN project, investigates the semiotic processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. Its focus are the transactions occurring between western science (the hegemonic knowledge of the globalized world, which purports to be objective, rational, and universal) and the various embedded, embodied and subjective forms of knowledge that have served as its Others in different times and places.

Proposals for 20-minute papers (<250 words) should be sent by 1st September 2023 to, accompanied by a short biosketch (<150 words). Results of the selection process will be announced by 15th September.



CETAPS/Translationality is pleased to announce the launch of the transdisciplinary research project EPISTRAN (Epistemic Translation:  Towards an Ecology of Knowledges), designed to study the translational processes (verbal and nonverbal) involved in the transfer of information between different ‘epistemic systems’. The project will offer one PhD scholarship, to be announced soon.

The first meeting of the team, for the purpose of presentation and clarification, will take place on 12th May (at NOVA FCSH and on line). Anyone interested in participating in the project should contact and/or




27th April 2022 (2pm-5pm Lisbon time)

Christopher Rundle (Università di Bologna)
History through the lens of translation. A case study of four fascist regimes

Serenella Zanotti (Università di Roma Tre)
Translating the untranslatable: an archival perspective

The session will take place at Sapienza University of Roma, but will be transmitted live at the NOVA-FCSH, Room C1. All are welcome to attend.

Alternatively, you may request a link to attend on line:

Angelo Cattaneo (CNR ISEM),
Irene Ranzato (Sapienza), and Giulio Vaccaro (CNR ISEM)
Karen Bennett (CETAPS, NOVA FCSH)




SOUNDSCAPES: Translating from Music

This short online course provides an introduction to the meaning-making potential of music, with a view to ultimately stimulating the production of intersemiotic/experiential translations into other media, like drawing, poetry, mime or dance. Organised by CETAPS under the auspices of the Experiential Translation Network, it is aimed at anyone that is interested in or moved by music, with or without a background in musical practice or theory. The objective is to heighten awareness of the semiotic potential inherent in the Western musical tradition through a series of listening exercises and discussions, before mobilizing this knowledge in the production of a new creative work.

The course will consist of six two-hour workshops to be taught on line via Zoom in the second semester of 2021-2022 (from March). It is free of charge, but applicants are asked to enrol (LINK TO GOOGLE DOCS FORM, here: in order to have access to the materials and link.

The timetable will be negotiated, but it is likely to take place on Friday afternoons and run for six weeks. Alternative models may be considered if enough people prefer.

After the course, an exhibition session will be organized in order to present the various translations created and discuss the implications of the exercise with a broader public.


Outreach Activities

Reading José Saramago in Turkish

Convenor: Imren Gökce


EN text:

These monthly online reading events are organized within the scope of an ongoing PhD project at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, FCSH, CETAPS. The main objective of the events is to understand the reception of the works by the Nobel laureate for literature, Portuguese author José Saramago, by Turkish readers. In line with this objective, each month, a chosen work by Saramago will be discussed  with the participants who read Saramago in Turkish.

The events will be moderated and the discussions will be guided through the pre-prepared questions by the researcher İmren Gökce Vaz de Carvalho. The events will take place online via Zoom. Although the sessions will be recorded on this platform, the recordings will not be shared or published on any platform, and will only be used to take notes afterwards by the researcher.

  1. The Reading list is below.

 TR text:

Etkinlik adı: José Saramago’yu Türkçe okumak

Bu aylık çevrimiçi okuma etkinlikleri dizisi Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Yeni Lizbon Üniversitesi), FCSH (Sosyal ve Beşeri Bilimler Fakültesi)  CETAPS  (İngilizce, Çeviribilim, Anglo-Portekiz Çalışmaları Merkezi) bünyesinde yürütülmekte olan bir doktora çalışması kapsamında organize edilmektedir. Etkinliklerin ana amacı Nobel Ödüllü Portekizli yazar José Saramago’nun eserlerinin  Türk okurlar tarafından alımlanmasını ölçmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda her ay düzenlenecek etkinliklerde  o ay için seçilen eser, Saramago’nun eserlerini Türkçeden okuyan okurlarla tartışmaya açılacaktır.

Yöntem: Etkinlikler sırasında tartışmalar araştırmacı İmren Gökce Vaz de Carvalho tarafından önceden hazırlanan sorular çerçevesinde yönlendirilecektir. Zoom üzerinde gerçekleştirilen etkinlikler kayıt altına alınacak olmakla birlikte herhangi bir mecrada paylaşılmayacak yalnızca araştırmacının daha sonra not alması için kullanılacaktır.

Okunacak Kitaplar (The Reading List)

  1. Hafta (1st Week): Küçük Anılar (As Pequenas Memórias) + Bilinmeyen Adanın Öyküsü (O Conto da Ilha Desconhecida)
  2. Körlük (Ensaio Sobre a Cegueira)
  3. Görmek (Ensaio sobre a Lucidez)
  4. Yitik Adanın Öyküsü (A Jangada de Pedra)
  5. Baltasar ile Blimunda (Memorial do Convento)
  6. Kabil (Caim)
  7. İsa’ya Göre İncil (O Evangelho segundo o Jesus Cristo)
  8. Ricardo Reis’in Öldüğü Yıl (O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis)
  9. Lizbon Kuşatmasının Tarihi (História do cerco de Lisboa)
  10. Ölümlü Nesneler (Objecto Quase)
  11. Mağara (A caverna)
  12. Toprağın Uyanışı (Levantado do Chão)
  13. Bütün İsimler (Todos os Nomes)
  14. Ressamın Günlüğü (Manual de Pintura e Caligrafia)
  15. Çatıdaki Pencere (Claraboia)
  16. Ölüm Bir Varmış Bir Yokmuş (As Intermitências da Morte)
  17. Filin Yolculuğu (A Viagem do Elefante)
  18. Portekiz’e Yolculuk (Viagem a Portugal)
  19. Kopyalanmış Adam (O Homem Duplicado)
  20. Defterler (O Caderno)
  21. Mızraklar, Mızraklar, Tüfekler, Tüfekler (Alabardas, Alabardas, Espingardas, Espingardas)




Aula Aberta

Free Admitance








Karen Bennett’s talks about translation in academic context to Radio Universidad de Salamanca


Click on the image to listen to the interview



Translation Café: a series of monthly informal talks on a range of topics relevant for translators, translation researchers and other translation stakeholders:


  • Demi Krystallidou (University of Surrey)
  • Piotr Blumczynski (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Federico Fedirici (University College London



  • Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation)
  • Lettie Dorst (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics)
  • Rudy Loock (Université de Lille)



















Book Reviews


Training Courses and Workshops

  • Summer course: Best Practices in Translation Technology. FCSH. 15th-20th July 2019.
  • Workshop:Translate Lisbon, FCSH, 1 Junho 2019.
  • Open LessonVariedade linguística, distância entre línguas e tradução automática by José Ramon Pichel (U. País Basco). Sala: B2 N 22 May 2019, 16h-18h.
  • Summer School(FLUP)Tradução cibernética: em busca do equilíbrio entre seres humanos e máquinas. 25th to 29th June 2018.
  • Summer School (FCSH): CAT Tools: a) Introduction to MemoQ; b) Translation Project Management Tools; c) Best Practices in Translation Technology. Summer 2018.
  • Workshop: Ferramentas de Auxílio à Tradução Passado, presente e futuro, FCSH, 16 Junho 2018. 9h30-18h, TB Aud.1/ TA 2.04.
  • Open Lesson: As dificuldades sintácticas na tradução de espanhol para português, com orador convidado, Prof. Fernando Venâncio.  FCSH, Sala T12, 4 Abril 2018. 16h-18h.
  • Open LessonA profissão de intérprete, com oradora convidada, Alexandra Antunes. FCSH, Sala B1 0.08. 5 Dezembro 2017. 14h30-16h.
  • Open LessonTradução e Censura em ‘Um Eléctrico Chamado Desejo’, com oradores convidados, Prof. Teresa Botelho e Prof. Ricardo Marques. 29 November 2017, FCSH, Sala B1 0.05. 14h-16h.
  • Training Programme: A Change in Scope: From Training to Education in Memo-Q (David Hardisty and Marco Neves): June 2018





















“A host of tongues…”: Multilingualism, lingua franca and translation in the Early Modern period[/caption]

Ferramentas de Auxílio à Tradução

Os Outros Falsos Amigos

A Profissão de Intérprete

Tradução e Censura

‘Beyond epistemicide: translating knowledge in the multilingual paradigm’. Keynote lecture at conference on Textual Identities through Translation. National and Kapodistrian University, Athens, 22-23 February 2019

‘The veiled guest: migration, translation and the limits of hybridization’. Guest participation (sub-plenary) in Round Table on ‘Translation, migrations and asymmetries in the globalised world’. 1st international conference on Translation and Cultural Sustainability: Groundwork, Foundations and Applications. U. Salamanca, 28-30 November 2018.

‘The intersemiotic denseness of being’. Keynote lecture at conference Translation Research – Translator Training, PPCU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Budapest. 24-26 May 2018.

‘Creativity in EAP: snapshots from the frontier’, Keynote speaker at seminar organized by English for Academic Purposes Unit, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, 28th April 2017

‘Translating knowledge in the translingual paradigm’. Keynote lecture at ARTIS Symposium on Translation and Knowledge, Ajou Centre for Translating and Interpreting Studies, Ajou University, Suwon, S. Korea. 12th– 14th January 2017

‘Combating rigor mortis in academic writing (or breathing new life into a corpse). Keynote lecture at the Conference of the Norwegian Forum for English for Academic Purposes, EAP and Creativity, Oslo, 8th-10th June 2016

CETAPS’s strand on Translationality is delighted to inform you that its Translation Matters journal has been successfully indexed in SCOPUS, which is the leading abstract and citation database for peer-reviewed literature. This important milestone guarantees that the journal’s articles can be readily located when conducting searches related to translation and interpreting. Moreover, it empowers our authors to monitor the frequency of citations their work receives from other researchers. Huge thanks to our authors, peer-reviewers, copy-editors and advisory board for making all this possible!

Founded in 2019, Translation Matters explores all aspects of translation, ranging from the theoretical and descriptive to the practical and technical. It has worked, above all, as a platform for young researchers, a staging post in their trajectory to the wider world of international Translation Studies. Irrespective of the editorial decision, all authors are given constructive advice about how their articles can be improved. We look forward to your submission!

A strand Translationality do CETAPS tem o prazer de informar que a sua revista Translation Matters foi indexada com sucesso na SCOPUS, a base de dados de referência de resumos e citações de literatura revista por pares. Este marco importante garante que os artigos da revista podem ser facilmente localizados em pesquisas relacionadas com a tradução e a interpretação. Além disso, permite aos nossos autores monitorizar a frequência com que o seu trabalho é citado por outros investigadores. Um enorme agradecimento aos nossos autores, revisores, revisores de texto e conselho consultivo por tornarem tudo isto possível!

Fundada em 2019, a Translation Matters explora todos os aspectos da tradução, desde o teórico e descritivo ao prático e técnico. Tem funcionado, acima de tudo, como uma plataforma para jovens investigadores, um ponto de partida na sua trajetória para o mundo mais vasto dos Estudos de Tradução internacionais. Independentemente da decisão editorial, todos os autores recebem conselhos construtivos sobre como os seus artigos podem ser melhorados. Aguardamos com expectativa a sua submissão!



Vol. 1. No. 1. Spring 2019







Vol. 1. No. 2. Autumn 2019. Special issue on Intersemiotic Translation and Multimodality







Vol. 2. No. 1. Spring. 2020







Vol. 2. No. 2 Autumn 2020. Special issue on Translation Under Dictatorships







Vol. 3. No.1. Spring 2021







Vol. 3. No.2. Autumn 2021. Special Issue: Picturebooks and Graphic Narratives








Vol. 4. No.1. Spring 2022






Vol. 4 No. 2 Autumn 2022. Special Issue: Translation and Money