TEALS members combine research with lecturing (at either University or Polytechnic levels). Researchers share an academic background in linguistic, literary or cultural studies. Within this shared general background, their diverse doctoral specialization topics allow for complementarity and multi-perspectivism.
TEALS has expanded its scientific activity to a significant degree. This can be seen in its increased number of researchers, in their academic progression, in the broadening of international cooperation networks, in activities carried out in cooperation with the larger community and in the vitality of its main instruments for scientific dissemination.

Intercultural studies in second language education

Researching the intercultural dimension in language education and the concepts that underpin it.

Teacher education and curriculum studies in second language teaching

Promoting quality research activities in curriculum studies and teacher education in second language teaching.


Researching translational behavior and practical training in translation degree courses.

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)

Working CLIL involves the exploration of practices which integrate content and language learning across educational levels.



This research area works within teacher education (covering primary/basic, secondary and tertiary education in Portugal) and provides “add-on value” to CETAPS in terms of research in the field of social sciences and humanities.

Traditionally, research in this field is connected to a specific department or faculty, whether based in modern languages or education sciences. CETAPS/TEALS develops important activities in the specific area of teacher education since many teachers in both faculties (FCSH and FLUP) have been working within the pre-service and in-service teacher programmes offered to graduates of “first cycle” courses.

MA courses associated to this research area – MA in English language education (for primary and secondary levels and for both pre-service and in-service teachers) imply there is a commitment to original research and production of data-driven knowledge. This applies to the teaching staff as well as the student/in-service teachers as researchers, the latter more specifically through classroom-based action research as part of their assessed work.

PhD courses associated with this research area are:

a) Languages Teaching – Multilingualism and Education for a Global Citizenship, a 3rd-cycle course offered jointly by NOVA FCSH and Open University (Universidade Aberta) in the mode of blended learning. The main research topics involve predominantly English and Portuguese as Foreign Languages. All students who have completed the taught course are officially enrolled at CETAPS and involved in Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies.
b) the Doctorate Programme in Education offered in a partnership between Universidade Nova de Lisboa – through the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FCSH) and the Faculty of Science and Technology (FCT) – and ISPA (Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida) [link]. CETAPS/TEALS has been teaching and supervising PhD students who work in theses related to languages teaching and teacher training, in particular teaching English as Foreign Language.

This research area has been enlarged over the years with many PhD scholars and students from very different national institutions (both from Polytechnics and Universities), which constitutes an additional value to the diversity of our studies on TEFL mainly.

  • To promote quality research activities in curriculum studies and teacher education related to language learning in Portugal;
  • To engage with student/in-service teachers in academically informed and focused classroom based action research projects, to the benefit of the student/in-service teachers, the faculty staff and the host schools;
  • To organize regular conferences in Lisbon and Porto with specially invited overseas speakers;
  • To encourage the production of articles for publication based on student teachers’ final reports and in-service teachers’ Final Project Work (Trabalho de Projecto), according to norms defined within CETAPS;
  • To publicize the activities and research findings of the research area through regular attendance at local and international conferences;
  • To develop current and future international links with like-minded faculty members throughout Europe, making use of existing staff contacts;
  • To support teachers and translators in practice to adapt to the changing needs of their profession;
  • To create new internationally linked research projects with a strong impact on language education and translation;
  • To offer systematic training to young researchers to help them acquire the skills necessary to present and publish scientific research;
  • To explore new areas for interdisciplinary research considering the potential of intercultural multilingual and translation studies;
  • To develop international research projects on CLIL (English and other foreign languages) within the network, and applied to vocational learning and other specific academic fields;
  • To continue developing the project Pan European Task-based Activities for Language Learning

This research area works within teacher education (covering primary/basic, secondary and tertiary education in Portugal) and provides “add-on value” to CETAPS in terms of research in the field of social sciences and humanities.

  • Action research in teacher education (particularly that initiated by student/in-service teachers)
  • Assessment and evaluation – learners and learning
  • Cooperative development in teacher education as a framework for supporting student/in-service teachers
  • Developing CLIL in primary English language teaching
  • Development of writing skills
  • E-learning and Teacher Education
  • E-learning at tertiary level
  • English pronunciation
  • Initial and further teacher development for primary English language teachers
  • Intercultural education and (intercultural) citizenship education
  • Models for Teacher Education at Master’s level
  • Reflective practice in Teacher Education
  • Supervision of student-teachers (role of the supervisor; peer feedback on observed lessons)
  • Teacher assessment and evaluation
  • Teaching English to young learners
  • Teaching translation and developing competencies for translators (including assessment of translator competencies)
  • Transition from 1º to 2º “ciclos” (attitudes, content, evaluation)
  • Translation, Interpreting and Paratranslational Language Studies
  • Using debating to promote speaking

Research Fellow:

Dr Sandie Mourão

  • From 2018, Dr Sandie Mourão will be working as a research fellow  at CETAPS / TEALS area, after winning a CEEC Individual contract (FCT).
  • An investigation into developing the intercultural domain in primary English education in Portugal: Children’s literature to support intercultural citizenship education
  • She’ll be doing a baseline study and then developing, piloting, implementing and evaluating an intervention project for teacher education, which will run through CETAPS. She’ll also be creating teacher resources to go online and a data base of picturebooks, rhymes and folk tales for intercultural understanding and citizenship education.

Post-Doctoral Researchers:

Supervisor: Carlos Ceia

  1. Alexei José Esteves Xavier: “Management education to study in Brazil, Portugal and England, with a variant of the English language” (CETAPS/FCSH, 2016).
  2. Nicolás Montalbán.( PhD in English Philology , Universidade de Múrcia, Espanha): “Developing materials for English for Specific and Professional Purposes”, estágio formativo em Lisboa (FCSH), 2-16 Julho de 2017.
  3. Hélder Fanha Martins, “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games and Incidental Lexical Learning in English for Specific Purposes”, projecto de pós-doutoramento inserido no grupo de investigação TEALS – Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies, Outubro de 2017-Outubro de 2019.


Supervisors: Carlos Ceia & António Lopes

  1. Ana Catarina Leiria de Mendonça Coutinho de Castro: Referência da bolsa: SFRH/BPD/117672/2016; Ciências da Educação; co-orientada pelo Doutor António Lopes (Universidade do Algarve); título: “Novas abordagens para a aprendizagem de línguas: o papel da formação na recetividade de futuros professores de inglês à inovação pedagógica” (Setembro de 2017-Setembro de 2020)



Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (ICEPELL)

ERASMUS + KA203 project
October 2019 – August 2022
Coordinated by Sandie Mourão (FCT / CETAPS researcher)
Total budget: 300 667,00 €

The main aim of this three-year project, which focuses on innovation in the Higher Education and School Education Sectors, is to strengthen the profile of the teaching profession through the development of practitioner competencies to confidently integrate intercultural citizenship education (ICE) into early English as a foreign language (EFL) education. The target group is the school community – practitioners (teachers of English, teacher librarians, student teachers), children aged 5 to 12 years, and teacher educators.

Consisting of a network of partners from five European countries – Portugal, Germany, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands – with expertise in early language learning, teacher education, picturebooks in language learning and materials design, ICEPELL aims to:

  • Survey practitioners’ attitudes and reasons for reticence towards ICE
  • Compile a data-base of picturebooks in English to develop ICE in early EFL education
  • Provide training and professional development to pre- and in-service practitioners, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and competences to successfully plan for, manage and assess ICE through picturebooks in early EFL education
  • Develop, pilot and evaluate teaching packs around picturebooks that will integrate ICE in early EFL
  • Publish and disseminate a handbook that supports practitioners and teacher educators in integrating ICE through picturebooks into the early EFL curriculum
  • Facilitate an Open Educational Resources platform on e-Twinning that enables practitioners to develop communities of practice
  • Support teachers in setting up a virtual space to bring children together across borders to interact and develop ICE in real time
  • Set up an ICEPELL Project platform to disseminate the project activities and outputs




1st Meeting, Lisbon, November 2019



Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning – TEdELL2020 Virtual – 12 – 14 November 2020

Teachers and teacher educators: Education and professional development for early language learning’, which became ‘TEdELL2020 Virtual’, was organized through CETAPS, FCSH, Nova University, Lisbon in collaboration with the AILA Early language Learning Research Network (ELL ReN) and the Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) Network.

TEdELL2020 conference report Jan 2021





Creative Approaches to New Democracy through Innovative Inclusive Citizenship Education (CANDIICE)

CANDIICE is a five-country collaboration to provide:

  • active creative, arts-based learning resources using digital technologies and associated staff training to help future generations make democracy work inclusively for their harmonious futures
  • institutional change resources
  • wider implementation guidance

During the 2019 – 2022 period of Erasmus funding, will grow into an inspiring online training and resource hub for all educators wishing to expand their uses of creativity, collaboration and learner empowerment. Continual work to rethink and improve genuine inclusion is essential as communities become more diverse – our methodologies are focused on recognising the changing attitudes and forces that deprive and exclude and will promote new uses of digital learning (often non-verbal) to ensure that marginal and disadvantaged learners play their full part. will provide flexible training modules suitable for educators in different sectors of formal and informal education. They will be designed to fit into existing training structures to maximise adaptable ease of use. Training will build capacity, confidence and inspiration to incorporate creative flair into this most important aspect of education for a future inclusive Europe. Additional materials for education leaders and policymakers will give detailed recommendations and strategic guidance at the institution, locality and national levels to provide a roadmap to update citizenship education so that it successfully reinforces inclusive, pluralist democracy in a digital age.

Educators responsible for citizenship learning carry a massive responsibility – to ensure that future generations understand and build successful coexistence in changing, diverse communities. A universal commitment to common European values is the bedrock of peaceful coexistence; until recently we assumed that established democratic processes would defend these basic tenets. The mechanisms of democracy have been severely jolted by rapid changes in communications technology, many groups in our populations have been left behind, or excluded in different ways. Citizenship education with extensive digital awareness is the space where future generations must formulate a sophisticated understanding of their part in a democratic future: whether they can be collaborative agents of change or disempowered consumers of manipulated attention and attitudes. will be a major support for educators needing to work effectively in that space.

CANDIICE will make exciting new learning materials and associated training freely available through with extensive links through other European online resources and strategic guidance. Materials will be produced through repeated processes of collection and evaluation of best practice, research-based innovation and unique collaborations between our partners: leading European agencies in digital open learning, intercultural inclusion, citizenship, creative community arts, learner Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education FormId KA204-D0C01D8B Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 4 / 147 empowerment and professional adult education and training.

Awarded funds: CETAPS: 47,940 € TOTAL: 281,554 €

CANDIICE partners are:

  • School Development Support Agency (Lead agency) – Leicester, United Kingdom National and international project development, networking and training for public services. International training programmes on service leadership and improvement, diversity and inclusion, intercultural education, language diversity, learner co-construction and empowerment.
  • Eurosoc#Digital – Berlin, Germany Innovators of digital, interactive, creative learning exploring European citizenship, plural democratic values, community civic engagement, youth politics and activism.
  • Forum za Slobodu Odgoja – Zagreb, Croatia Forum for Freedom in Education Teacher training institution specialising in a wide range of unique in-service programmes with extensive international links. Expertise in values, liberal education, citizenship with well-established national impact.
  • Les Tetes de l’Art – Marseille, France Progressive intercultural community-based arts and creative hub. Innovator of multi-media youth projects.
  • Nova University – Lisbon, Portugal Initial teacher education institution specialising in language and intercultural understanding



1st Meeting in Glasgow, October 2019






The PEEP Network

Primary English Education in Portugal (PEEP) is an inter-institutional network which has been set up to promote the engagement in and dissemination of investigation in the field of primary English education in Portugal
Initiated by Sandie Mourão (CETAPS), this involves representatives from all Higher Education Institutions in Portugal where master degrees in Teaching English in Primary Education are taught.



  • PEEP17 – Instituto Politécnico de Porto, 22 September 2017 (Co-organised with CETAPS): A one-day event for the dissemination of teacher-research in primary English education in Portugal
  • PEEP Inter-institutional meeting, Instituto Politécnico de Guarda, 8 February 2018: A one-day event focusing on ‘The teaching practicum – problems and solutions’
  • PEEP18 Instituto de Educação / Universidade de Lisboa, 13 October 2018 (co-organised with Universidade de Aveiro): ): A one-day event for the dissemination of teacher-research in primary English education in Portugal

PEEP Inter-institutional meeting, Universidade Nova Lisboa. TBC


Assessment in primary English education in Portugal: Attitudes, approaches and constraints (October 2017 – June 2019)

An inter-institutional research project, coordinated by Sandie Mourão (CETAPS) with Carolyn Leslie (CETAPS), Maria Alfredo Moreira (CIEd) and Estela Monterio (CIEd).


  • To characterise institutional and practitioner attitudes towards assessment in primary English education
  • To chart approaches and practices related to assessment in primary English education
  • To identify constraints in adhering to national standards and a transformative vision of language education.


TEYL in the practicum: mapping supervisory and teaching approaches (MAp) January 2018 – December 2020

An inter-institutional research project coordinated by Flávia Vieira (CIEd) and Sandie Mourão (CETAPS) together with researchers from all Higher Education Institutions in Portugal.


  • To produce and disseminate knowledge on supervisory and teaching approaches developed in TEYL master programmes in Portugal, so as to understand similarities and differences among practicum models, as well as their impact on learner and teacher development
  • To improve supervisory and teaching approaches based on research results

To consolidate the PEEP network through joint collaboration in research development and dissemination focused on members’ concerns and agendas for action



CETAPS/FCSH is now an Associate Partner of ITELab (Initial Teacher Education Lab), co-ordinated by European Schoolnet, a Knowledge Alliance project between higher education institutions and industry to foster innovation and knowledge exchange in ITE. It is co-funded under the Erasmus+ Programme till 2019. Knowledge and best practices will be exchanged and participation in the trials of the ITELab modules and student teacher MOOC will take place in 2018 and 2019.

In 2018, the beta test of the student teacher MOOC is open to student teachers of the associate partner universities.




Self-Evaluation / Quality Assurance Tool Kit 
is a project to start in 2018 by the recently created ALL=IN Network (connected with NECE: Networking European Citizenship Education).It aims at developing online self-evaluation resources to guide citizenship educators through a supportive, step-by-step process to evaluate their own programmes. It will be structured to help practitioners reflect on complex issues relating to migration, identity politics, discrimination, inequality, diversity and cohesion. Content and web-based architecture will need to be developed in parallel and a period of piloting and ‘beta-testing’.


Founded in 2006, the Gutenberg Academy brings up to 25 of the university’s best doctoral students and artists (junior members) together and provides them with the chance to participate in an interdisciplinary exchange of ideas at the highest intellectual level. These students have the possibility to interact and exchange with excellent researchers and artists of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) (senior members.) The Gutenberg Academy supports JGU’s best young researchers and young artists in the development of their professional careers in the arts and sciences. The Academy’s central focus is on the interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, individual development and networking.


Next Gutemberg Academy network meeting: CETAPS/NOVA FCSH Lisbon, 14-17 July, 2019




Pan European Task-Based Activities for Language Learning



Coordinator: Dr. António Lopes (Algarve University)






C4C – CLIL for Children

Um projeto da UE para professores do 1º ciclo financiado pelo programa Erasmus+
Coordinator: Dr Margarida Morgado (Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco – Escola Superior de Educação)
Comissão Consultiva: Carlos Ceia (…)
Site oficial:

C4C levará a cabo as seguintes atividades de investigação:
– um estudo sobre o estado da arte sobre CLIL no primeiro ciclo, boas práticas e dificuldades sentidas pelos professores;
– uma revisão de Open and Educational Resources (OERs)/ Recursos Educativos de Acesso Livre para CLIL, na web, que possam ser usados no 1º ciclo.

Com base nos resultados do estudo e da revisão de OERs, o projeto desenvolverá os seguintes produtos:

Linhas de orientação sobre o desenvolvimento e uso de CLIL no 1º ciclo:
– um conjunto de recursos e materiais CLIL materiais e planos de aula para ensinar Estudo do Meio e Matemática em inglês no 1º ciclo:
– um Guia sobre estes tópicos
– um E-curso (curso em linha) para professores sobre como utilizar a metodologia CLIL no 1º ciclo.

Os números previstos pelo projeto são de informação de cerca de 59.000 participantes dos grupos alvo sobre o projeto C4C e de envolvimento de cerca de 700 professores e 2.000 alunos, a diversos níveis.


How EFL learners collaborate during task-based peer interaction (March 2018-March 2019)

A research project carried out by Carolyn Leslie (CETAPS)


  • To describe how learners in 4th and 7th years of compulsory education in an EFL context collaborate with a peer to accomplish an oral task.
  • To analyse their collaborative talk for evidence of:
    1. social interaction that demonstrates co-operation and reciprocity
    2. task management
    3. a focus on language
  • To compare how these features differ according to age.






This Moodle platform is for students who are taking part in the telecollaborative exchange projects organised by the EVALUATE project. Telecollaboration gives students the opportunity to take part in online intercultural projects with partner-classes around the globe. For more information or to find out how you can get involved in the project, contact: or go to:


Translation of Specific Economic and Commercial Texts

Project manager: Clarisse Costa Afonso

Project consisting of the translation of specific texts from the field of economics and trade from German into Portuguese taking into account the address formula and drawing up a glossary, which will take place in the  IÜD (Institut of Translation and Interpretation) of the University of Heidelberg www.iued. uni-
The three-month scholarship was awarded by ASPPA (association of Portuguese postgraduates in Germany) and Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon.
























Books published


Supervisor: Carlos Ceia

  1. Fernanda Oliveira, “O Ensino da Literatura em Portugal”, em colaboração com a Universidade de Lille 3, e co-orientação com o Professor Yves Reuter (França), concluída em 2004.
  2. Ana Matos, “Literary texts: a passage to intercultural learning in FL education”, em co-orientação com o Prof. Doutor Michael Byram, University of Durham, Inglaterra. Defendida na FCSH/UNL, em Dezembro de 2007.
  3. Rita Baleiro: “A Literacia de Leitura do Texto Literário na Universidade – A Formação do Leitor e a Produção Escrita dos alunos da Licenciatura em Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, variante Estudos Portugueses e Ingleses da Universidade do Algarve”, na área científica dos Estudos Anglo-Portugueses Defendida na FCSH/UNL, Julho 2011.
  4. Sónia Pacheco: “A Textualidade e as TIC no Ensino Pré-Escolar: a interpretação de texto e as narrativas digitais”, Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Dezembro 2013.
  5. Deolinda Simões Marques: “Teaching of English as a Second Language for Specific Purposes to Engineering Students in Portugal – The Fine Points in Teaching English for Specific Purposes to Engineering Students in Portugal”, na área de Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas, especialidade em Didáctica de Línguas Estrangeiras. (15 Maio 2014).
  6. Catarina Castro (co-orientação com Paulo Osório): “Manuais para o ensino do Português como Língua Estrangeira: Uma proposta de aprendizagem baseada em tarefas”, Doutoramento em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas, especialidade em Didáctica de Línguas Estrangeiras, Julho de 2015.
  7. Ana Maria dos Santos Martins, “A Literacia da Informação no Ensino Básico (1ª Ciclo): Modelos e Práticas Actuais”, Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Outubro de 2015.
  8. Carolyn E. Leslie: “Peer to Peer Interactions and Learning Behavious in Cohesive and Less Cohesive Groups in the L2 Classroom”, Doutoramento na área da Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas, especialidade em Didáctica de Línguas Estrangeiras, Março 2016.
  9. Artur André Martinez Campos: “Adopting smartphone applications for Second Language Acquisition: investigating readiness and acceptance of mobile learning in two Higher Education Institutions”, Doutoramento Ciências da Educação, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, co-orientado por João Correia de Freitas. 28-6-2017.
  10. Isabel Gandum: “A transposição didática das ações do PNEP no 1º CEB”, Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, especialidade em Teoria e Desenvolvimento Curricular, FCSH, 6-12-2017.
  11. Rima Jay Prakash: “Bridging Ideas of Best Practice in Gifted Education and Language Learning in English as a Foreign Language in Portugal”, Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade em Teoria e Desenvolvimento Curricular, FCSH, Novembro de 2018.
  12. Nivalda Mércia de Oliveira, “O Currículo e as Redes Sociais Online: Velhos Currículos e Novas Tecnologias dando suporte ao Ensino-aprendizagem em sala de aula”, Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação, FCSH/UNL, Janeiro de 2019.
Advanced Research Seminar

Advanced Research Seminar: Languages in Education

The TEALS Advanced Research Seminars takes place online two times a year, in February and July, with the objective of providing avenues of interaction between established and early career researchers to address areas of research associated with languages in education. As scientific seminars, they aim to contribute towards breaking new ground in language education and to involve the presentation and discussion of both recently published work and research in progress. All CETAPS/TEALS members are welcome and encouraged to participate in the seminar.

This seminar is part of the CETAPS’ project UIDB/04097/2020, funded by FCT

Check here our webpage.

Our Journals


E-TEALS : An e-journal of teacher education and applied language studies

					Ver N.º 10 (2019): e-Teals: an e-journal of Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies

Visit site


Translation Matters

					View Vol. 5 No. 1 (2023): Special Issue: Experiential Translation

Visit site


Children’s Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal), edited by Janice Bland, Christiane Lütge and Sandie Mourão - Children's Literature in English Language Education

Visit site