Tânia Cerqueira

Tânia Cerqueira holds a Master’s degree in Anglo-American Studies from Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. She is currently a PhD candidate at the same university. In 2017, she was awarded by ALB (Associação Luso-Britânica) a traineeship at CETAPS Porto as a Junior Researcher in Anglo-American Studies (2017-2018). Her main research areas of interest include Young Adult Fiction, Dystopian Studies, Monster Studies, Gothic Studies, and 20th and 21st Century American Literature and Culture.




Cerqueira, Tânia (2018), “Drowned Angels and Watery Graves: Representations of Female Suicide in Victorian Art.” Via Panoramica: Revista de Estudos Anglo-Americanos, Serie 3, Vol. 7, Nº 1, 2018, pp. 27-38. ISSN: 1646-4728. Web: http://ler.letras.up.pt/.




Cerqueira, Tânia (2017, May). Jonas, The Pathfinder. Paper presented at I Encontro de Estudos Anglo-Americanos. Porto.

Cerqueira, Tânia (2017, November). Drowned Angels and Watery Graves: Representations of Female Suicide in Victorian Art. Paper presented at II Colóquio JRAAS – Exploring the Inevitability of Death. Porto.

Cerqueira, Tânia (2018, Feburary). “Off With Their Heads”: The Subversion of the Female Role in Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Paper presented at IJUP’18. Porto.

Cerqueira, Tânia (2018, April). “Where Are You Kate?”: Trauma in Victoria Schwab’s Monsters of Verity. Paper presented at 39º APEAA Conference. Évora.

Cerqueira, Tânia (2018, August). Plain Janes & Cadaver Queens: Retelling Classic Gothic Novels to Young Adults. Paper presented at International Gothic Conference 2018. Manchester.