Sofia de Melo Araújo

Adjunct Professor at the School of Education, Porto Polytechnic, since 2015: English Literature, North-American Literature, Introduction to Literary Studies, Media Studies, English Teaching, and Professional English.

Professor at the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, since 2021: Supervision of Portuguese and Portuguese Literature Teaching.

PhD since 2013 – Anglo-American Studies (Literature), by the University of Porto, on an FCT Merit Grant. Supervisors: Maria de Fátima Marinho and Fátima Vieira.

Creator and current teacher of “SCHOLAR – Support Course on Higher Order Language for Academia and Research”, provided to teaching staff by the University of Porto.

Teacher of Advanced levels of Academic English in courses provided to staff by the University of Porto, since 2013

Creator and lecturer of course on Portuguese Literature and Ethics for the PEUS programme of the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, since 2014

Research at CETAPS

Collaborator – CITCEM, and ILC-ML

Former Teaching Fellow of Universal Literature at Universidade Católica – Porto, under the supervision of Professor Arnaldo Saraiva.

Collaborates as as director, stage director, actress, and translator with in skené Companhia de Teatro.

Research interests: Ethics and Literature, Education, Ethics and Education, Pleasure and Utopia, Individual and Utopia, Language and Power




ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2016). Ética e Literatura: Um Estudo a Partir de Romances de Iris Murdoch (1958-70). Edições Afrontamento

LIMA, Isabel Pires de, Isabel Ponce Leão, Luís Adão da Fonseca, Sérgio Lira e Sofia de Melo Araújo (org.) (2018). Ética e Política na Obra de Agustina Bessa-Luís. Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida

OLSSON, Anna, Fátima Vieira e Sofia de Melo Araújo (eds.) (2016). Eursafe 2016- Food Futures – Ethics, Science & Culture. Wageningen Academic Publishers

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo e Fátima Vieira (org.) (2011). Iris Murdoch, Novelist meets Philosopher. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (forthcoming). “”Birthplace Revisited – a look at Humanity in Nnedi Okorafor”. In Anthropocenica Revista de Estudos do Antropoceno e Ecocrítica, vol. 2, 2021, Universidade do Minho.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2021). “Guilty Cockaigne? A Revisiting of the Medieval Myth with George Orwell and Jamie Oliver”. GUNESCH, Konrad (ed.) (2021). Cultural, Culinary and Literary Travel: Celebrating Global Texts, Local Tastes, and London Textures. Interdisciplinary Discourses, pp. 58-75.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2021). “De Frankenstein a The Last Man: Mary Shelley, do primeiro ao último Homem”. PUGA, Rogério Miguel (coord.) (2021). Frankenstein: 200 anos: As sombras e os monstros de Mary Shelley. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, pp. 163-210.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2020). “‘este animal aflito’ – leitura de três últimos homens em tempos apocalípticos, pelas mãos de Mary Shelley, Pepetela e Miguel Real”. In Boletín Galego de Literatura, nº 57 (2020), pp. 5-15.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2020), “Os matizes de Wuthering Heights: Heathcliff e Catherine/Edgar e Isabella Linton”. PUGA, Rogério Miguel (coord.) (2020). Irmãs Brontë 200 anos – Universos Ficcionais e Biográficos. Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, pp. 111-24

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo e Maria Teresa Castilho (2019). “What we need is here”: Food, Sustainability, and American Myths and Projects”. REIS, José Eduardo, Fátima Vieira, Teresa Botelho e Miguel Ramalhete Gomes (org) (2019). Utopian Foodways: Critical Essays. UPorto Press, pp. 119-131

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2018). “Bestial: Animals and human, literature and ethics, and J.M. Coetzee”. LEÃO, Isabel Ponce de, Maria do Carmo Mendes e Sérgio Lira (eds.) (2018), EcoCriticism 2018 Proceedings of the International Conference on Literature, Arts and Ecological Environment. Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development, pp. 11-15.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo et al (2017). “Teachers’ perceptions of ‘need’ in EAP and ICLHE contexts”. VALCKE, J. & R. Wilkinson (eds.). Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education: Perspectives on Professional Practice. Selected Papers from the IV International Conference Integrating Content and Language in Higher Education 2015. Peter Lang, pp 59-76

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2017). “O mundo já está a acabar? E.M. Forster discute Whatsapp, Skype e Questia, ou uma leitura de ‘The Machine stops’ (1909)”. EIRAS, Pedro (org.) (2017), Libretos Materiais para o Fim do Mundo 8, Junho de 2017, disponível em

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2016). “Romances de Cordel para Intelectuais? Narratividade na Ficção de Iris Murdoch, Filósofa”. FERREIRA, Maria Luísa Ribeiro/ Fernanda Henriques (coord.) (2016). Marginalidade e Alternativa vinte e seis filósofas para o século XXI. Edições Colibri, pp. 553-557.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2013). “Equilibrium: Dystopia-on-drugs or inverted Cockaigne?”. VIEIRA, Fátima (ed.) (2013), Dystopia(n) Matters: on the page, on screen, on stage. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 261-269.

ARAÚJO, Sofia de Melo (2012), “Framing the Shrew – How the lens looks upon William Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Shrew”, in Homem, Rui Carvalho (org.) (2012), Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts. Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Rodopi, pp. 57-69.