Ricardo Marques

Ricardo Marques has graduated in English and Portuguese and holds a PhD in Portuguese Literature, granted by FCSH – UNL (2010). In this institution he has been a researcher at some centres (CETAPS, IELT, IEMo) and is working on a FCT-approved project on the Literary and Artistic magazines that belong to the first phase of Portuguese Modernism. In this context, he recently coordinated the volume of essays Tradição e Vanguarda: Literary Magazines of Modernism (1910-1926), edited by the National Library of Portugal (2020).

He is a regular reviewer for the main poetry publications in Portugal (namely Colóquio-Letras) and he is also a freelance poetry translator (from Spanish and English). Tennessee Williams, Amy Lowell, D.H Lawrence, Vicente Huidobro, Patti Smith and Billy Collins are among the authors translated and published since 2011, as well as an anthology of European Futurism, selected and translated by him called Síntese e Simultaneidade: Antologia de Poesia Futurista (Zanzibar, 2019).  He was also co-coordinator of the last Collective Translation Seminar at Casa de Mateus (2019).

Shortly after his book on one of the biggest poets alive in Portugal, Na Teia do Poema: um percurso intertextual na Poesia de Nuno Júdice (Chiado Editora, 2013), he saw his first poetry book published in Brazil (Makar, Editorial Arqueria, São Paulo, 2014). His latest book of poems is Lucidez, não (edições), 2019.

His latest project is an anthology of new Portuguese poets, coordinated and selected by him, called Já não dá para ser moderno: seis poetas de agora (Flan de Tal, 2021).

1. (2016).“1916: Um ano de revistas literárias em Portugal ” in Revista Uniletras, Ponta Grossa, v. 38, n. 2, p. 199-209.
2. (2017a).“De Orpheu (1915) a Portugal Futurista (1917): Três anos de revistas literárias”, Pessoa Plural, 11.
3. (2017b).“Sylvester Rosa Koehler, tradutor de Antero de Quental” in Journal of Anglo-Portuguese Studies, (REAP/JAPS) nr. 25, Ed. Caleidoscópio.
4. (2018).“Futurism in Coimbra”, Yearbook of Futurist Studies, Berghaus, Günter (Ed.),  Vol. 8. Boston: De Gruyter, p. 387-394.
5. New critical editions of 28 modernist magazines at https://modernismo.pt/index.php/revistas and 9 at https://ric.slhi.pt.
1. (2013) Na Teia do Poema: um percurso intertextual na poesia de Nuno Júdice, Lisboa, Chiado Editora.
2. (org.)(2018) Fernando Guimarães: 90 anos, Lisboa: BNP.
3. (org.) (2018b) Portugal Futurista e outras publicações periódicas de 1917, Lisboa: BNP.
4. (2019) Síntese e simultaneidade: Antologia de Poesia Futurista, Lisboa: Zanzibar.
5. (org.) (2020), Tradição e Vanguarda: Revistas Literárias do Modernismo (1910-1926), Lisboa: BNP.