
CETAPS 5 PEEP 5 Resources

Direção-Geral da Educação: Official documentation related to English in primary education in Portugal (some documents are now out of date).

Perfil do Aluno: Learner exit profiles for Portuguese basic education (since July 2017).

Aprendizagens Essenciais – Ensino Básico: The revised learning objectives (since July 2018) for all subjects in Portuguese basic education, including English in grades 3 and 4.

Avaliação de Inglês no 1.º CEB: This webinar was recorded in January 2016 shortly after English became a curricular subject. The objective of the webinar is to help teachers understand the relevance of developmentally appropriate assessment practices for primary English education in Portugal.

Research in Primary Languages (RIPL): is a group of researchers, practising teachers, teacher educators and policy makers investigating and reporting on the use and learning of languages in primary classrooms in the UK. They share some very useful resources.

Abordar as línguas, integrar a diversidade nos primeiros anos de escolaridade (Cadernos do LALE): These are a collection of activities produced and published by University of Aveiro to promote plurilingualism in primary language education. Series 3 and Series 10 are of relevance.

A Handbook for Exploratory Research: A really useful handbook to support classroom teachers in engaging with research. Written by Richard Smith (U Warwick) and Paula Rebolledo (Teacher educator, Chile)

IATEFL Research SIG publications: The IATEFL Research SIG has been supporting teacher research for many years and produced some excellent publications which showcase classroom-based research.

Becoming Research Literate: Supporting teacher research in English language teaching: This is an open access online publication with contributions by teacher-educators, teacher-association leaders, academics, and teachers working in a wide range of international contexts. It serves as a showcase of influential views about the kind of support that teachers need to develop the necessary skills not only to engage in research but to share their findings in an effective manner.

Red de Investigadores Chilenos en ELT: This is a network of professionals (school teachers, university teachers, undergraduate and postgraduate students) interested in promoting research in ELT in Chile. Lots of interesting resources and inspiring activities.

NETWORKS An online journal for teacher research. Although not specifically for language teachers, this is a useful online journal that ‘offers a place for sharing reports of action research, in which teachers at all levels, kindergarten to postgraduate, are reflecting on classroom practice through research ventures’.