Primary English Education in Portugal


These publications are either associated to the PEEP Network’s projects or relevant to the Network’s objectives and produced by its members.

Publications: PEEP Network research projects

Sensos-e IV, 1: Primary English Education in Portugal: This is a published collection of selected presentations from the PEEP’17 Meeting in Porto on 22 September 2017.

Revista ESTREIADIÁLOGOS Volume 6 Números 1 e 2 jul-dez 2021: This is a special issue edited by Flávia Vieira on ‘Research in pre-service language teacher education for primary English’. It Includes an editorial, an article about pre-service teacher research in the Portuguese MA in primary English education programmes, and six examples of pre-service teacher research by ex-MA students and their supervisors.

Moreira, M.A. Mourão, S. Leslie, C. & Monteiro, E. (2021), Avaliação das Aprendizagens de Inglês no 1º CEB: Um Estudo em Portugal Continental. Lisboa: CETAPS, NOVA FCSH.

Mourão, S., Leslie, C., Moreira, M.A. & Monteiro, E. (2021). Battling against a traditional assessment culture: The case of early English learning in Portugal. In S. Frisch, E. Romeik, J. Rymarczyk, (eds.). Current Research into Young FL and EAL Learners’ Literacy Skills. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A.I., Cruz, M., Leslie, C., Orega, M.I., Pinho, A.S., Jorge, J.R., Silva, E.M., & Simões, A.R. (2021). Mapeando abordagens da formação inicial de professores de Inglês no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico em Portugal. Cadernos do LabELing. Aveiro: UA Editora.

Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A.I., Cruz, M., Leslie, C., Orega, M.I., Pinho, A.S., Reis, J.J., Silva, E., Simões, A.R., (2022) Preparing primary English teachers: initial teacher education programmes in Portugal. International Journal of Teacher Education. DOI: 10.1080/02619768.2022.2132384

Vieira, F., Mourão, S., Andrade, A.I. & Simões, A.R. (forthcoming) Professional learning competences and tasks in primary English teacher education curricula in Portugal. In Leslie, C. & Mourão, S. (Eds.), Researching Educational Practices, Teacher Education and Professional Development for Early Language Learning: Examples from Europe. Abingdon: Routledge.