Patrícia Silva

Patrícia O. Silva holds a PhD in Portuguese & Brazilian Studies (King’s College London) and an MLitt in Anglo-Irish Studies (University College Dublin). She was visiting lecturer at the University of Cambridge and University College London, and was research fellow at University of London’s School of Advanced Studies and Queen Mary, and at the Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. Her prior research encompassed comparative Luso-Brazilian and Anglo-Portuguese studies.

At CETAPS she integrates the Translation, Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies (TEALS) strand​, complementing her teaching in these areas for international institutions and her consultancy in research and science communication. Her research interests are: Modernist Studies, Comparative Literature, (Inter)cultural, Translation and Interarts Studies, Visual Cultures, Academic Writing and Science Communication. Her current research focuses on cultural mediation through writers and artists’ networks, periodicals and translation, and on transcultural encounters between Eastern and Western epistemologies.

She acts as external expert reviewer for FAPESP and is regularly invited to peer review for major international journals in Lusophone Studies (Luso-Brazilian Review, Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies) and for book publishers such as Bloomsbury, Routledge, and Peter Lang.

Researcher ID: D51C-2A68-A49E

Recent publications include:

Brazilian Modernists and the Avant-Garde: Transcultural Modernism in the Postcolonial Periphery. In: Katia Pizzi, Roberta Gefter Wondrich (eds). Rethinking Peripheral Modernisms. Palgrave Macmillan: 2024, pp. 141-162

A Measure of Dignity? Age & the Abject Body in Clarice Lispector’s Short Fiction. In: João Paulo Guimarães (ed.). Aging Experiments. Transcript: 2023, pp. 141-154 (OA):

Práticas de comunicação científica intercultural na capacitação de doutorandos para a academia internacional. In: Paula Sequeiros et al (eds). A Investigação e a escrita: Publicar sem Perecer. Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra: 2021, pp. 249-267 (OA):

Patricia Silva-McNeill. Yeats and Pessoa: Parallel Poetic Styles. Abingdon, Ox.: Routledge: 2020 (rpt. 2010)

“Fernando Pessoa’s ‘The Mad Fiddler’: Sensationism in English”. In: Patricio Ferrari (ed.). Inside the Mask: The English Poetry of Fernando Pessoa. Providence, R.I.: Brown UP: Gávea-Brown, 2018, pp. 96-111

Steffen Dix & Patrícia Silva (eds). Pessoa Plural 11. “Portuguese Modernisms 1915-1917: Contexts, Facets & Legacies of the Orpheu Generation”. Brown UP, Spring 2017 (OA):