Michel Macedo Marques

​Michel Macedo Marques is Professor of English Literature at the Department of Languages and Literatures, Regional University of Cariri (URCA), and Communication Coordinator at Araripe UNESCO Global Geopark, Ceará-Brazil, and musician (Glory Fate rock band). MA in Education (URCA,2020) and PhD student at Faculty of Arts, Universidade do Porto (University of Oporto), Portugal. His doctoral project is s memory study for a future Geosite and Museum concerning to an Intentional Community (Caldeirão da Santa Cruz do Deserto), which existed in northeast of Brazil (1926-1936) and was exterminated by the government.

CiênciaID: D219-9D5E-09A9
ORCID: 0000-0001-7330-3377


Areas of Interest:

English/British Literature, Culture and Language
UNESCO Geoparks


– Traveling Exhibition Giants of Kariri – A Flight through Paleoart. Crato: Geopark Araripe/URCA, 2018. (Translation). ISBN 978-85-65425-33-9

– My Cariri – Inglês para Turismo Receptivo no Território do Geopark Araripe. 2020. ISBN 978-65-00-08665-2. https://issuu.com/petdesign/docs/cartilha_my_cariri

– A Network Perspective of the Ecosystem’s Health Provision Spectrum in the Tourist Trails of UNESCO Global Geoparks: Santo Sepulcro and Riacho do Meio Trails, Araripe UGG (NE of Brazil). Geosciences, v. 11, p. 61, 2021. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/11/2/61