Michel Macedo Marques
Michel Macedo Marques is Professor of English Literature at the Department of Languages and Literatures, Regional University of Cariri (URCA), and Communication Coordinator at Araripe UNESCO Global Geopark, Ceará-Brazil, and musician (Glory Fate rock band). MA in Education (URCA,2020) and PhD student at Faculty of Arts, Universidade do Porto (University of Oporto), Portugal. His doctoral project is s memory study for a future Geosite and Museum concerning to an Intentional Community (Caldeirão da Santa Cruz do Deserto), which existed in northeast of Brazil (1926-1936) and was exterminated by the government.
CiênciaID: D219-9D5E-09A9
ORCID: 0000-0001-7330-3377
Areas of Interest:
English/British Literature, Culture and Language
UNESCO Geoparks
– Traveling Exhibition Giants of Kariri – A Flight through Paleoart. Crato: Geopark Araripe/URCA, 2018. (Translation). ISBN 978-85-65425-33-9
– My Cariri – Inglês para Turismo Receptivo no Território do Geopark Araripe. 2020. ISBN 978-65-00-08665-2. https://issuu.com/petdesign/docs/cartilha_my_cariri
– A Network Perspective of the Ecosystem’s Health Provision Spectrum in the Tourist Trails of UNESCO Global Geoparks: Santo Sepulcro and Riacho do Meio Trails, Araripe UGG (NE of Brazil). Geosciences, v. 11, p. 61, 2021. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3263/11/2/61