Places of the “Other” in British Culture
Convenors: Jorge Bastos da Silva & Katarzyna Pisarska
Session 1, 14 May 2021, 17.00h (GMT): Catholicism
Opening Remarks by Professor Carlos Ceia, Coordinator of CETAPS
Maria Zulmira Castanheira, “Encounters with the Portuguese ‘Other’ in Eighteenth-
century English Travel Writing: Anti-Catholic Views and Stereotypes”
Cláudia Coimbra, “‘Burning anew among the old stones’: Memory, Identity and
Religion in Evelyn Waugh’s Brideshead Revisited”
Jorge Bastos da Silva, “Dryden Misread? Catholicism, Jacobitism, and the Vicissitudes
of Cleomenes”
Zoom session
Topic: Places of the “Other” in British Culture
Meeting ID: 852 4654 0896
Password: 148661