Editorial guidelines

CETAPS Digital Lab hopes to decentralise from Western perspectives, valuing cultural and geographic inclusion. We wish to promote diversity and diverse voices in the Digital Humanities field.

The Digital Lab blog aims to become an open yet safe, diversified yet focused, collaborative yet autonomous, experimental yet reflective, and sustainable yet audacious, arena for exciting discussions around digital humanities.

The editorial guidelines are minimal.

We wish contributors to have their own voice, and the blog a recognisable identity. This identity should not be shaped beforehand but as we walk the road with the community.

We envision the blog as a venue for a lighter, colloquial, informal approach to digital humanities. We see it as a place welcoming personal, riches experiences of engagement with digital humanities that are beyond the scope of academic publications but are nonetheless inspiring and generative.

As such, we expect to welcome short, engaging, and clear posts within the broad scope of digital humanities. There are no formal, stylistic guidelines; as long as the post tells its own story and gives proper credit to authors, it can be a single image with a provocative caption to a text (multimodal or not) of up to 500 words.

Red lines are also clear. Anything promoting intolerance and hate speech will be rejected.

Feedback from our members and readers is welcomed and appreciated. However, comments will only be visible once approved. We will not approve anything offensive or unethical.

We value an inclusive and safe space where individuals can share respectful opinions and insights. Welcome to the Digital lab.

 Send your contribution to digitallab@letras.up.pt. Thank you!