Small Private Online Course: CLIL in Higher Education


CLIL IN HIGHER EDUCATION is a 10-hour self-study course designed by CETAPS Working CLIL members in collaboration with colleagues from U. Extremadura and U. Córdoba. It is offered as a Small Private Online Course (SPOC) via Moodle. The course is organised in five separate 2-hour modules.

Each module addresses concrete needs of Higher Education teachers who teach (or would like to teach) in English and would like to support their students learning content in English.

The 5 modules are organised sequentially but can be taken separately by users.


Module 1, Using English to Teach, explains why HE teachers are using English to teach and the implications for students of learning in English.

Module 2, What is CLIL? Approaches the main differences between CLIL and EMI in relation to the conceptualisation of the integration of content and language learning in HEIs.

Module 3, Teaching to Support English and Content Learning, is about the principles of the CLIL approach and the implication of these for planning CLIL lessons.

Module 4, Adapting to CLIL, explores the pedagogy of CLIL further with an emphasis on scaffolding content, language and the learning process.              

Module 5, Assessment of Language and Content,  reviews the main principles concerning assessment from a general perspective and, specially, those associated with the challenges of assessing students in CLIL for higher education.


Links to the course:  (Please see advertisement for running dates)



Working CLIL