Educational Resources – Lesson Plans
Estudo do Meio: Animal World
Estudo do Meio: Objects and Materials
Estudo do Meio: The Digestive System
- Lesson Plan 1: The digestive function
- The digestive function: PPT Presentation
- Worksheet 1: The digestive function
- Flashcards: Food
- Lesson Plan 2: The food wheel
- The food wheel: PPT Presentation
- Worksheet 2: The food wheel
- Revision exercise: The digestive function
- Lesson Plan 3: Digestion
- Digestion: PPT Presentation
- Worksheet 3: Digestion
- Lesson Plan 4: The organs of the digestive system
- The digestive system: PPT Presentation
- Worksheet 4: The organs of the digestive system
- Lesson Plan 5: The digestive system
- Worksheet 5: The digestive system