Participation in International Projects

Working CLIL member: Maria Ellison (U. Porto)

Title: STEAM Tales

Promoting STEAM education through storytelling to boost girls’ interest in STEAM topics and potentially STEAM careers in the future.


To support the early introduction of STEAM concepts, this project promotes the use of storytelling in STEAM education, with the addition of the creative element “A” for Art, as a method of presenting STEM topics in a way that younger children (6 to 9 years old) can easily relate to. The project will equip teachers with new skills and resources, such as ready-to-use lesson plans and hands-on experiments, as well as stories of women role models in STEM, to empower them to teach STEM subjects in a more engaging and stimulating way, creating inclusive learning environments, and encouraging girls of all backgrounds to pursue STEM careers.

Duration: 2023 – 2025


  • Boost girls’ interest in STEM topics and STEAM careers in the future.
  • Promote STEM education through storytelling and hands-on experiments.
  • Create educational materials, including a guide, inspirational stories of women in STEM fields, and lesson plans with hands-on experiments.
  • Empower teachers to enhance their and their pupils’ STEM knowledge.
  • Build an inclusive learning environment for the development and excellence of STEM education.


Working CLIL members: Maria Ellison (U. Porto), Andrew Sampson (U. Porto)

Title: Towards an Integrated Bilingualism Model (KA203- HIGHER EDUCATION)

Summary: The project TOWARDS AN INTEGRATED BILINGUALISM MODEL has three fundamental priorities. One is HORIZONTAL: INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN A DIGITAL ERA. And the other two concern the HIGHER EDUCATION: Addressing the existing gaps and inadequacies with respect to linguistic accreditation models and rewarding excellence in learning, teaching and skill development.

Duration: 2020-2023


• To promote a coordination structure between content specialist teachers and foreign language specialist teachers.
• To design collaboration and coordination strategies between the teachers of the schools and the teachers in language schools.
• To establish coordination parameters and to define an improved model through pilotage and the definition of satisfaction indicators.
• To create new assessment tests to determine specific levels of competence, support and motivation of students in their learning process.
• To encourage the creation of specific materials to contextualize and specify the response to the needs of the students of the schools.



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Facebook:  IBModel


Working CLIL member: Margarida Coelho (IPP Portalegre)

Title: METCLIL – Metaphor in Academic Talk: L2 metaphor production in Higher Education CLIL discussion Seminars (METCLIL: EuroCoAT second phase)

Project approved by the Spanish National R+D programme (FFI2017-86320-R)

Duration: 01/01/2018 – 31/12/2021

Aims: The aim of the project is to explore the role of metaphor in the type of academic interaction carried out in seminars in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) at the degree level in Europe with a focus on the Social Sciences and the Humanities. General research question: To what extent and in what ways is metaphor involved in the kind of interaction that takes place in seminars held in EMI degree programmes?

Partners: Coordinated by the University of Extremadura it brings together 13 researchers from six European countries: Italy (University of Macerata, Macerata); the Netherlands (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam); Norway (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences); Portugal (Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre); Spain (Universidad de Extremadura) and Sweden (Dalarna University).

Working CLIL member: 
Margarida Coelho (IPP Portalegre)

Title: TC-NURSE. Transcultural Nursing: A European Priority, a Professional Responsibility

Project nº: 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050800. Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership

Duration: 2018- 2021

Aims: TC-Nurse addresses cultural, linguistic and religious diversity, and promotes ownership of shared values, equality, non-discrimination and social inclusion through education and training at higher education level. In particular, this project aims to:

1) Foster the development of social, civic and TC competences, and critical thinking, not only amongst participant nursing students and both teaching and clinical staff, but also amongst key stakeholders and decision/policy makers at local and regional level in all the participating countries.

2) Tackle discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and violence in healthcare through the undertaking of preliminary research on this area, and subsequent creation of a multinational blended-learning module in TC nursing.

The project aims, actions, methodology and outputs have been designed to:

1) Allow the project team to draw a clear and realistic picture of TC and cultural diversity at academic, healthcare and social levels.

2) Test the implementation of CLIL as a teaching methodology in higher education, in a multinational, multicultural, multilingual environment.

3) Pilot the delivery of newly developed content and teaching & learning materials on TC nursing.

Partners: Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain (Coordinator); Istanbul Aydin Universitesi Vakfi, Istanbul, Turkey; Artesis Plantijn Hogeschool Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgium; Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portalegre, Portugal.


Working CLIL member: Margarida Morgado (IPP Castelo Branco)

2019 (Erasmus+ application) under IT02 Agenzia Nazional Erasmus+ – INDIRE

Title: CLIL for Young European Citizens (CLIL4YEC)

Duration: 01-09-2018 to 31-08-2022 (36 months)

Aim: To promote the use of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) in Primary School in order to develop European citizenship, Environment Conservation, and Basic Financial Education.

Partners: Giunti O.S. Psychometrics SRL (IT) (ccordinator); The Language Centre SRL (IT); Direzione Didattica Todi (IT); Direzione Didattica Aldo Moro Terni (IT); Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (POR); Agrupamento de Escolas Gardunha e Xisto (POR); Universitatea din Pitesti (RO); Scuola Gimnaziala Alexandru Davila (RO); Universidad de Extremadura (ES); CEIP Las Vaguadas (ES).


Working CLIL member: Margarida Morgado (IPP Castelo Branco)

2019 (Erasmus+ application) under CZ01 Dum shranicní spolupráce (DZS) Centre for International cooperation in education (CZ)

Title: Interdisciplinary Collaborative Approaches to Learning and Teaching (INCOLLAB)

Duration: 01-09-2018 to 28-02-2022 (24 months + 6 months extension)

Aim: To develop, promote and integrate innovative interdisciplinary collaborative content-based approaches to language learning and teaching in Higher Education.

Partners: Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze (CZ) (coordinator); Budapesti Gazdasagi Egyetem (HU); Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco (POR); Universidad de Extremadura (ES); Universidade do Algarve (POR).



Working CLIL member: Margarida Morgado (IPP Castelo Branco)

Erasmus + funding. Project number 2015-1-IT02-KA201-015017

Title: CLIL for CHILDREN (C4C)

Duration: 2015-2018

Aim: to support primary school teachers with a comprehensive training program for CLIL teaching.



  • Main contractor

The Language Center srl of Todi (Italy),

  • Partner Schools

Direzione Didattica , Todi (Italy),

Direzione Didattica Aldo Moro of Terni, Terni (Italy),

Szkola Podstawowa nr 199 im. Juliana Tuwima, Lodz (Poland),

Scoala Gimnaziala Alexandru Davila, Pitesti (Romania),

Agrupamento de Escolas Gardunha e Xisto, Fundão (Portugal),

  • Partners

Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco (Portugal),

Universitatea din Pitesti, Pitesti (Romania),

Uniwersytet Lodzki, Lodz (Poland),

Giunti O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali, Florence (Italy),

Working CLIL