Ana Sofia Carvalho

Ana Sofia Carvalho is Assistant Professor at Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Lisboa (ISCAL/IPL). She lectures English for Specific Purposes in the Bachelor’s degree courses offered at this HEI: Business English, English for Business and Financial Reporting, and English for Finance.
She finished her PhD thesis in Foreign Languages Didactics – Languages, Literatures and Cultures at FCSH/ UNL in 2020, under the supervision of Professor Carlos Ceia. The title of her PhD thesis is “IFE, a Alma do Negócio: Inglês para Fins Específicos nas áreas de Contabilidade e Finanças.” Her research interests include foreign language didactics, English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and Anglo-American literature.
Ana Sofia Carvalho earned her Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Literatures – English and German Studies from the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH – UNL).
She received a Master’s degree in Anglo-American Studies from the Faculdade de Letras of the Universidade de Lisboa for her dissertation on American literature, “Judith Ortiz Cofer e Call me María – a diáspora porto-riquenha nos Estados Unidos”.

Recent publications include:
Martins, H. F. & Carvalho, A.S. (2013). Business English Letters, Human Resources, Purchasing and Sales (Vol. 2), Business English Series. Lisboa: Sinapsis Editores.

Carvalho, A. S. & Ferro, M. J. & Martins, H. F. (2012) ESP learning dynamics and the legitimacy of testing tools towards an effective learning assessment in the context of Bologna. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of AELFE. Vila do Conde. Portugal.

Ferro, M. J., Francisco, R. B. & Carvalho, A. S. (2012). When simply ‘thank you’ is not enough: Analysis of the acknowledgement section in theses and dissertations. XI Congreso Internacional de AELFE. O papel das línguas aplicadas no cenário pós-Bolonha: fomento da autonomia e mobilidade num mundo globalizado? Vila do Conde, 20 a 22 de Setembro de 2012.

Carvalho, A. S. & Ferro, M. J. (2009) ESP Learning materials and testing tools: exercise typology and learning assessment. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of AELFE. La Laguna. Spain.

Ferro, M. J. & Carvalho, A. S. (2009a). Language Awareness and ESP Responsiveness – teaching ESP to Business students. Proceedings of the 8th International Congress of AELFE. La Laguna. Spain. _ _ (2008b). Teaching Specialized Vocabulary to Pre-Intermediate Students. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress of AELFE. Murcia. Spain.