Almir Ribeiro


ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6747-1198

Almir Ribeiro is an invited teacher on the PPGT – Post-graduation program of Performing Arts at the Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina (UDESC), and up to dicembre, he was teaching Acting, Stage direction, Ethics and theatrical Critics at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC).

Almir Ribeiro holds a PhD and a Post-doctorate in Performing Arts from the USP (Universidade de São Paulo); and a master degree on Arts by the UFRJ (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro). His under graduation includes Theatre direction and Pedagogy.

His main interest on research was the Intercultural dialogues between different theatres, different cultures, from the east and the west; its aesthetics and techniques features and its contemporaneity.

He have been researching for almost thirty years de several classical stiles of classical theatre dance from India. Its sources and possible approaches by the contemporary theatre. Without forget although the common idiosyncrasies of our globalized world over it.

His other main field of researches is the work of Gordon Craig, theatre thinker from the early XXth Century. His ideas pointed out for a holistic way of make art. He founded a new ethical procedure for the theatre construction, and his ideas overflows intentionally to the day to day life, creating a rich dialogue between art and life. His holistic idea points out for an utopical pattern of citizenship electing the greatest particularity of the theatre, the interaction, as the key for a new way to look to everything that is “other”.


Books written:

Natya, O Teatro Clássico da Índia (ed. Perspectiva, São Paulo, 2017)

A Arte da Dança, de Isadora Duncan (ed. Perspectiva, São Paulo, 2016)

Gordon Craig, A Pedagogia do Über-marionete (Ed. Giostri, São Paulo, 2015)

Kathakali, Uma Introdução ao Teatro e ao Sagrado da Índia (Ed. Markprint, Rio de Janeiro, 2000)


Most recent paper published:

A Utopia de um Teatro Intercultural e Ecológico. Revista Lamparina (UFMG), 2017

A Marionete em Chamas: Processos de Marionetização do ator. Revista Pitágores 500 (UNICAMP), 2017.

The Mask: a performance documental de Edward Gordon Craig e Dorothy Nevile Lees. Revista Sala Preta (USP), 2017.

Um Diálogo às Margens do Ganges: Gordon Craig e Ananda Coomaraswamy. Porto Alegre: Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença (UFRGS), 2014.

Uma Pedagogia teatral velada: a Über-marionette de Gordon Craig. Revista Cena (UFRGS), 2013.

Deuses e marionetes: Kathakali, teatro dança clássico da Índia e seus delicados diálogos. Revista Sala Preta (USP), Vol. 13, n. 1, jun 2013, p. 83-110.