

CETAPS has a strong international strategy, promoting cooperation and partnerships with many international institutions and partners. We participate in and co-organize joint Masters and Doctoral programmes; we have joined intensive programmes and promoted Erasmus internships; we participate in board membership in societies and journals; we have been hosting / co-organizing many international conferences; we have published in journals and collections with global circulation, including a Scopus indexed journal (REAP / JAPS).

Resident Junior Researcher:

Dr Sandie Mourão

From 2018, Dr Sandie Mourão will be working as a junior researcher at CETAPS / TEALS area, after winning a CEEC Individual contract (FCT).

An investigation into developing the intercultural domain in primary English education in Portugal: Children’s literature to support intercultural citizenship education

She’ll be doing a baseline study and then developing, piloting, implementing and evaluating an intervention project for teacher education, which will run through CETAPS. She’ll also be creating teacher resources to go online and a data base of picturebooks, rhymes and folk tales for intercultural understanding and citizenship education.


Post-Doctoral Researcher:

Supervisor: Carlos Ceia

  1. Alexei José Esteves Xavier: “Management education to study in Brazil, Portugal and England, with a variant of the English language” (CETAPS/FCSH, 2016).
  2. Nicolás Montalbán.( PhD in English Philology , Universidade de Múrcia, Espanha): “Developing materials for English for Specific and Professional Purposes”, estágio formativo em Lisboa (FCSH), 2-16 Julho de 2017.
  3. Hélder Fanha Martins, “Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games and Incidental Lexical Learning in English for Specific Purposes”, projecto de pós-doutoramento inserido no grupo de investigação TEALS – Teacher Education and Applied Language Studies, Outubro de 2017-Outubro de 2019.


Supervisors: Carlos Ceia & António Lopes

  1. Ana Catarina Leiria de Mendonça Coutinho de Castro: Referência da bolsa: SFRH/BPD/117672/2016; Ciências da Educação; co-orientada pelo Doutor António Lopes (Universidade do Algarve); título: “Novas abordagens para a aprendizagem de línguas: o papel da formação na recetividade de futuros professores de inglês à inovação pedagógica” (Setembro de 2017-Setembro de 2020)


Supervisors: Gabriela Gândara Terenas

  1. José Francisco Baptista de Sousa: A Life of Don Pedro, by Maria Callcott (Anglo-Portuguese Studies)

Utopia500 is the name of CETAPS’ currently most expressive outreach project. After the Eurotopia and the PAN-Utopia projects, which involved over 4,000 students from all school levels, CETAPS created Utopia500 in 2015 for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the publication of Thomas More’s Utopia. The project has ever since been the training place for 77 Erasmus interns with a variety of backgrounds who have come from all over the world to spend from 4 months to 1 year working on CETAPS’ outreach activities.

See the team here

The Erasmus Mundus Masters programme Crossways in Cultural Narratives (CWCN) is the continuation of two former Erasmus Mundus programmes Crossways in European Humanities (2005-2011) and Crossways in Cultural Narratives (2012-2018). CETAPS participates in this unique MA since the beginning.

Text and Event in Early Modern Europe
An Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate

Welcome to the TEEME website! TEEME is an international doctoral programme in early modern studies funded by the European Union. It is structured around a unique collaboration between university-based researchers in the Humanities and the cultural and creative sector in four EU countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Czech Republic). The partnership will foster intercultural dialogue and disseminate the best research in history, literature and culture to the wider community. On these pages you will find our research profile, a description of the programme and its objectives, details of the consortium universities and the programme’s associated partners, as well as information on the application process.

An European Joint Doctorates (EJD) from the programme Marie Skłodowska-Curie


MOVES is defined by a unique collaboration between university researchers in the Humanities and Social Sciences and partners across sectors (NGOs, charities working with migrants and cultural and creative industries) in 5 EU countries. It identifies the contemporary issue of migration as a problem to be treated within the wide context of modernity, acknowledging the way it has shaped European identity, first in the outward thrust of European nations in colonial movements, then through emigration from many European countries, and recently through immigration as the predominant form of mobility in Europe. Moves aims to: 1) contribute to the understanding of the so-called migration crisis by analysing the stories of migration told across different nations and cultures and in various media and explaining the links between its historical roots and present-day cultural dynamics; 2) train future experts in migration management; 3) influence popular opinion to combat anti-immigrant sentiment.

At FLUP this programme has a team of scholars from four departments, coordinated by Rui Carvalho Homem (DEAA).

It is due to begin in the academic year of 2019-2020.

Intercultural Citizenship Education through Picturebooks in early English Language Learning (ICEPELL)

ERASMUS + KA203 project

October 2019 – August 2022

Coordinated by Sandie Mourão (FCT / CETAPS researcher)

Total budget: 300 667,00 €

The main aim of this three-year project, which focuses on innovation in the Higher Education and School Education Sectors, is to strengthen the profile of the teaching profession through the development of practitioner competencies to confidently integrate intercultural citizenship education (ICE) into early English as a foreign language (EFL) education. The target group is the school community – practitioners (teachers of English, teacher librarians, student teachers), children aged 5 to 12 years, and teacher educators.

Consisting of a network of partners from five European countries – Portugal, Germany, Italy, Norway and the Netherlands – with expertise in early language learning, teacher education, picturebooks in language learning and materials design, ICEPELL aims to:


  • Survey practitioners’ attitudes and reasons for reticence towards ICE
  • Compile a data-base of picturebooks in English to develop ICE in early EFL education
  • Provide training and professional development to pre- and in-service practitioners, equipping them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes and competences to successfully plan for, manage and assess ICE through picturebooks in early EFL education
  • Develop, pilot and evaluate teaching packs around picturebooks that will integrate ICE in early EFL
  • Publish and disseminate a handbook that supports practitioners and teacher educators in integrating ICE through picturebooks into the early EFL curriculum
  • Facilitate an Open Educational Resources platform on e-Twinning that enables practitioners to develop communities of practice
  • Support teachers in setting up a virtual space to bring children together across borders to interact and develop ICE in real time
  • Set up an ICEPELL Project platform to disseminate the project activities and outputs

Creative Approaches to New Democracy through Innovative Inclusive Citizenship Education (CANDIICE)

CANDIICE is a five-country collaboration to provide:

  • – active creative, arts-based learning resources using digital technologies and associated staff training to help future generations make democracy work inclusively for their harmonious futures
  • – institutional change resources
  • – wider implementation guidance

During the 2019 – 2022 period of Erasmus funding, will grow into an inspiring online training and resource hub for all educators wishing to expand their uses of creativity, collaboration and learner empowerment. Continual work to rethink and improve genuine inclusion is essential as communities become more diverse – our methodologies are focused on recognising the changing attitudes and forces that deprive and exclude and will promote new uses of digital learning (often non-verbal) to ensure that marginal and disadvantaged learners play their full part. will provide flexible training modules suitable for educators in different sectors of formal and informal education. They will be designed to fit into existing training structures to maximise adaptable ease of use. Training will build capacity, confidence and inspiration to incorporate creative flair into this most important aspect of education for a future inclusive Europe. Additional materials for education leaders and policymakers will give detailed recommendations and strategic guidance at the institution, locality and national levels to provide a roadmap to update citizenship education so that it successfully reinforces inclusive, pluralist democracy in a digital age.

Educators responsible for citizenship learning carry a massive responsibility – to ensure that future generations understand and build successful coexistence in changing, diverse communities. A universal commitment to common European values is the bedrock of peaceful coexistence; until recently we assumed that established democratic processes would defend these basic tenets. The mechanisms of democracy have been severely jolted by rapid changes in communications technology, many groups in our populations have been left behind, or excluded in different ways. Citizenship education with extensive digital awareness is the space where future generations must formulate a sophisticated understanding of their part in a democratic future: whether they can be collaborative agents of change or disempowered consumers of manipulated attention and attitudes. will be a major support for educators needing to work effectively in that space.

CANDIICE will make exciting new learning materials and associated training freely available through with extensive links through other European online resources and strategic guidance. Materials will be produced through repeated processes of collection and evaluation of best practice, research-based innovation and unique collaborations between our partners: leading European agencies in digital open learning, intercultural inclusion, citizenship, creative community arts, learner Call 2019 Round 1 KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA204 – Strategic Partnerships for adult education FormId KA204-D0C01D8B Deadline (Brussels Time) 26 Mar 2019 12:00:00 EN 4 / 147 empowerment and professional adult education and training.

Awarded funds: CETAPS: 47,940 € TOTAL: 281,554 €

CANDIICE partners are:

  • School Development Support Agency (Lead agency) – Leicester, United Kingdom National and international project development, networking and training for public services. International training programmes on service leadership and improvement, diversity and inclusion, intercultural education, language diversity, learner co-construction and empowerment.
  • Eurosoc#Digital – Berlin, Germany Innovators of digital, interactive, creative learning exploring European citizenship, plural democratic values, community civic engagement, youth politics and activism.
  • Forum za Slobodu Odgoja – Zagreb, Croatia Forum for Freedom in Education Teacher training institution specialising in a wide range of unique in-service programmes with extensive international links. Expertise in values, liberal education, citizenship with well-established national impact.
  • Les Tetes de l’Art – Marseille, France Progressive intercultural community-based arts and creative hub. Innovator of multi-media youth projects.
  • Nova University – Lisbon, Portugal Initial teacher education institution specialising in language and intercultural understanding

José Jaime Pérez Segura (PhD)  (lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages (English) at the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla- La Mancha, Spain)
Visiting CETAPS from March 2024 to September 2024

José Jaime Pérez Segura holds a PhD in Education and a Master’s Degree in Research and Innovation in Education. His main line of research delves into the assessment and development of EFL oral and written comprehension through individualized and error-based pedagogical methodologies.
He is involved in a research collaboration and mentorship programme, supervised by Dr Sandie Mourão, in the field of early language learning and is participating in a comparative study investigating oral skill development and its assessment in primary English coursebooks.

Ieva Stončikaitė, PhD (Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Humanities, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain)
Visiting CETAPS from 20/03/2023 to 24/03/2023

Ieva Stončikaitė holds a PhD (2017) in cultural / literary gerontology and English studies. Currently, she is a postdoctoral researcher at the University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). Her research interests include literary and cultural expressions of ageing, leisure tourism, and travel writing.


Janire Guerrero (University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU)
Visiting CETAPS from 30 January  to 30 April 2023

Janire is a PhD student and during her stay at CETAPS she will participate in a seminar with Dr Carolyn Leslie, give a paper at the CETAPS/TEALS Advanced Research Seminar on 9 February 2023, complete some of her thesis and attend Portuguese lessons at ILNova.


Karoline Søgaard (Copenhagen University College, Denmark).
Visited CETAPS from 4 October to 3 November 2022 

Karoline Søgaard is an associate lecturer in EFL didactics in teacher education at University College Copenhagen. She is currently a doctoral fellow at University of Copenhagen, and University College Copenhagen. Her thesis focuses on the development of intercultural competence in young learners through picturebooks. Karoline has specialized in the field of teaching English to young learners and was a participant in the project ‘Early foreign language learning and plurilingual education’ (2015-2018). She is co-author of Let’s Get Started (Samfundslitteratur, 2017), a resource book on using picturebooks aimed at lower-primary teachers of English in the Danish primary school system.
She gave a workshop on intercultural encounters using the ICEPELL picturebook collection to the MAs in language education on 20 October from 18.00 – 21.00. We are also working together on the development of a set of categories to select diverse picturebooks for English language learning. 

Mercedes Pérez Agustín (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)
Visited CETAPS from 10 – 21 October 2022, but virtually involved in activities for the whole of October. 

Mercedes Pérez Agustín is an Associate Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid where she teaches Didactics of English Language to Preschool and Primary teachers. She combines teaching with research on the benefits of picturebooks to teach in preschool and primary in multilingual and multicultural contexts.
She gave a webinar on 19 October at 18.30 on Native Americans in picturebooks. Her visit to CETAPS involved developing a set of teachers’ resources using the ICEPELL template for picturebooks featuring North Americans. 


Elisa Bertoldi (University of Udine)
Visited CETAPS from 30 June to 5 July 2022 on a short study stay.

Elisa Bertoldi is a PhD candidate at the University of Udine (Italy). She is a teacher of English as a foreign language in Italian primary schools, a teacher educator for pre-service and in-service courses, and teaching resource developer. She has published articles on technologies applied to language teaching. Her recent research work and publications deal with storytelling in English L2 for language education. She co-authored the book Let’s Tell a Tale. Storytelling with Children in English L2 (Forum, 2019).


David Valente (Nord University, Norway)
Visited CETAPS from September 2021 to February 2022 on a research exchange semester.

David Valente
works as a PhD Research Fellow in English Language and Literature Subject Pedagogy at Nord University, Norway, where he teaches on the 5-year master’s degree in Primary Education. David has over 20 years’ experience in ELT as a teacher, teacher educator, academic manager, author and editor. His PhD research explores the affordances of picturebooks for intercultural citizenship and in-depth learning in primary English language education. David is also the Coordinator of the Young Learners and Teenagers SIG for the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).