Teresa Casal

A graduate from the University of Porto, Teresa Casal holds a Ph.D from the University of Lisbon (2007), where she is an Assistant Professor in English and a member of the University of Lisbon Centre in English Studies (ULICES). Her research interests include contemporary Irish fiction and non-fiction, as well as the uses of narrative in the health sciences. She has also translated works by Arundhati Roy, John Banville, David Leavitt, and Jennifer Johnston, among others.


Recent publications include:


Eds. Fernandes, Isabel, Maria de Jesus Cabral, Teresa Casal, Alda Correia, Diana V. Almeida, Contar (com) a medicina. Antologia de literatura em tradução. [Counting on Medicine: A Literary Anthology in Translation] Lisboa: Pedago, 2ª edição revista e aumentada. 298 pp.

Casal, Teresa, Abel Pena, Maria de Jesus C. Relvas and Rui Carlos Fonseca, eds. Revisitar o Mito / Myths Revisited. Lisbon: Húmus, 2015.

Casal, Teresa, Isabel Fernandes, Maria de Jesus Cabral, Alda Correia and Diana V. Almeida, eds. Contar (com) a Medicina. [Counting on Medicine. A Literary Anthology]. Lisbon: Pedago, 2015.

Casal, Teresa and Peter Bray, eds. Beyond Diagnosis: Relating Person to Patient, Patient to Person. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2014.


Articles / book chapters:

[Forthcoming Feb., 1, 2018] “A Century Apart: Intimacy, Love and Desire from James Joyce to Emma Donoghue”, in Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context, eds. Carolina Amador, Diana Villanueva, Manuel Sanchez, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

[Forthcoming 2018] “‘What can we do, what does art do?’: Ethics and Aesthetics in Deirdre Madden’sHidden SymptomsOne by One in the Darkness, and Molly Fox’s Birthday,” in Deirdre Madden: New Critical Perspectives, eds. Anne Fogarty and Marisol Morales, Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Medeiros da Silva, Edgardo, Margarida Vale de Gato, Teresa Casal and Susana Araújo, eds. Anglo Saxonica, III. N. 14, Thematic issue on “Home_Lands.” http://www.ulices.org/images/site/pdfs/asaxoiii-n14-2_1.pdf

Casal, Teresa. “Can you die from not being listened to?” Creative Dialogues: Narrative and Medicine. Isabel Fernandes et al., eds. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015. 80-94.

Casal, Teresa. “Between Patients and Doctors: It Takes a Person.” Beyond Diagnosis: Relating Person to Patient, Patient to Person. Peter Bray and Teresa Casal, eds. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2014.

Casal, Teresa. “‘I Hope…Perhaps’: Hope in the Face of Death.” Hope in All Directions. Geoffrey Karabin, ed. E-book. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013. 113-24.

Casal, Teresa. “‘ What Fools these Mortals Be’: What Do Mortals Play At when They Play with Fiction?”Cultural Dynamics of Play. Katarzyna Kuczma, ed. E-book. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013. 77-87.

Casal, Teresa. “‘When you look through the eyes of another’: Mary and Lydia Cassatt in Art, Life, and Fiction.” Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Rui Carvalho Homem, ed. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2012. 333-48.

Casal, Teresa. “Painting with Words and Becoming Other People: Theatre and the Visual Arts in Molly Fox’s Birthday and Authenticity – an interview with novelist Deirdre Madden.” Relational Designs in Literature and the Arts: Page and Stage, Canvas and Screen. Rui Carvalho Homem, ed. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2012. 399-411.

Casal, Teresa. “‘His Heart Against His Ribs’: Embodied Tension in The Dead.” ABEI Journal 14 (2012). 55-68.